Part 43

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Having received an immense amount of healing energy from the Celestial Palaces Medicine King, much of Feng Jius injuries were healed, but the damage to her mind would be irreversible.  With tears streaming down his face, Zhe Yan forced a cupful of Amnesia Potion down her throat  against her wishes.  She wanted to remember everything, but he knew if she did, it would ruin her.  Wiping away her tears, he ordered her to take on her fox form, it would aide her healing and it would make transferring her easier.

Having learned of Bai Zhi death from Feng Jiu after Ye Hua had laughingly told her while she screamed out for him, Zhe Yans tears would take a life time to still.  His brother had gone and there was nothing he could do to bring him back.  And as the next of kin, it was for him to notify his wife and children.  His family too.  With a heavy heart he prepared himself to leave, knowing he would never set foot in The Celestial Palace again.  None of them would.

Di Jun too would have cried if he had the ability, but the darkness that tore through his eyes was enough to put the fear into anyone.  Deep down he too was hurting.  Not only for his brother, but the girl.  Until that moment he hadn't realized how much she had meant to him, but now, he would kill for her.  And before he left with Zhe Yan for Kunlun Mountain, he gave the order that Ye Hua was to be arrested on sight, while also cancelling his Coronation.  There wouldn't be one, because he would be dead by the end of the day. 

Now on a cloud they raced ahead.  On arrival they were met by Mo Yuan and his Disciples who were all in battle gear.  And as their minds tried to comprehend why, Hell fire once again ripped across the sky.

Looking up Di Jun froze.  "Qing Cang." he whispered.

But Zhe Yans mind was only on one thing.  Forcing Mo Yuan to his study, he informed him of what had taken place.

The look on Mo Yuans face was the most frightening any of them had ever seen as he collected his Disciples to flee the Mountain with instructions for Zhe Yan and Di Jun to remain on the Mountain.  

Lowering the barrier to his his chamber, he gave one last order.  "Do not let her leave!" he said to Zhe Yan, as he raced Feng Jiu inside, he needed help, he was losing strength and Bai Qian would have to assist him

Ignoring him, Di Jun followed behind them.  If that bastard was there, it would be him taking him out himself.


Though injured, the powerful burst of Di Juns energy was not enough to knock him out.  No sooner had their backs turned, than Ye Hua immediately fled his chamber.  And having seen Lord Pu Hua and his second uncle there, he knew he would not be able to remain in the Palace for long, instead he wandered the skies aimlessly. 

 He had never once considered that he would be caught having already convinced himself that he was so far above the rest, none could stop him.  So much so, he had taken his time with girl, who's blood he could still taste on his lips.  Now his only regret is having waited so long, he should have stuck to his original plan of killing her the same way he had killed her Grandfather.

Furious at himself for allowing a moment of weakness, a weakness he had successfully kept at bay until now,  he began to contemplate his next move.  And it was while he was lost in thought, that he began to notice to the change in atmosphere.  Looking ahead into the distance, he could see the skies darkening but what was odd, was it was no storm.  Moving closer towards the darkening skies, he was almost knocked off his cloud by a sudden flash of lightening.

"Hellfire?" He whispered.  He knew it was, he could feel the undertone of The Ancient Gods raw energy.  And that meant only one thing.  Raising a protective shield about his cloud he sped forward.  If there was a war taking place, he wanted a part of the action.  The chance to redeem himself was the only thing on his mind. 

The Fate of my Soul.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ