Part 17

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Making my way quickly towards the side room I saw my 10th Disciple enter, I am suddenly brought to a standstill by Die Feng.  "Shifu, please allow him a few minutes, he needs a bit of time alone." he informs me, which only increases my desire to see the boy now, but as I turn back towards the room, I can clearly see, he has raised a privacy shield.

"Shifu, just give him a little time, you will understand why when he is finished."  Die Feng insists as he leads me back into the Hall where Chang Shan has already prepared fresh tea and cakes.

"Afternoon tea will be served soon." he informs me as he makes his way back to the kitchen, leaving the rest of my Disciples to talk among themselves as they continue to clean up.

Die Feng, having stayed at my side to pour tea, talks to me about the mornings events and my first impressions which I am happy to share with him.  And as we are talking I raise the question as to why he had never married, not expecting the sudden gasp and flushed cheeks that followed.

"Shifu, The East Seas Princess and I had once been engaged to marry, however she refused it, instead she sought out The Crown Prince instead."  He informs me as the blush deepens and his head bows.

What?  She had sought my brother after refusing my First Disciple, and is now actively seeking myself?  

"Die Feng, why did you not mention it?  I am about to marry a woman who had been in a marriage arrangement with my First Disciple as well as seeking the hand of my younger brother.  Do you not think I have a right to know this?" I ask, annoyed that such an important piece of information has been held back.

"Younger brother Shifu?"  he asks stunned.  So filling him in on the back story of the Golden Lotus, I then return the conversation back to my original question.  

"I'm sorry Shifu.  I honestly had not considered it to be a concern.  Our marriage arrangement was not wanted by either of us, so we cancelled it after reaching an amicable agreement.  And as for the The Crown Prince, my apologize Shifu, had I known he was your brother, I would have mentioned it." now realizing the implication of what the marriage arrangement meant to me now.

Nodding, I waved him away so I could be alone with my thoughts.  It seems the Princess's love of extravagance and title is the driving force behind her insistence that our marriage arrangement continues.  Unable to secure the Crown Prince and the title that comes with him, she then seeks the next best thing.  Me, and the title of The War Gods wife, Mistress of Kunlun Mountain which holds a significant amount of prestige.

Her endless but precise questions regarding the Mountains history also give me cause to ponder.  Kunlun Mountain was initially a School of Higher Learning which first began under my father The Heavenly Father, a School of Learning that holds considerable respect and envy against those who are lucky enough to attend, even now.  So to become my wife, that would definitely place her among the elite, which I am now certain is her aim.

Not that her own position is without merit.  She is after all a Princess of a Tribe that holds considerable sway in the oceanic Tribes, so just as worthy of the position of Kunlun Mountains Mistress regardless.  However, I cannot wonder at the depths she will go to reach the heights of her goals.

"Shifu." Came a voice I had not heard before.  Looking up I find myself eye to eye with my 10th disciple Luan Ping.  I had been so lost in thought, I hadn't realized he had left the side room.

Great, just the one I have been waiting to see.  "Luan Ping.  A moment of your time if you will." I say waving my hand back towards the room he had just vacated.  One I was now very interested in and reason why he had placed a barrier over.

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