Part 18

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My head hurts and I can feel someone touching me, their voice is softly telling me not to move, but I try to rise, only to fall back onto what I assume is my bed.

"Mo Yuan, open your eyes but don't move."  It's Zhe Yan, what is he doing here?

Opening them, I can see him clearly standing over me, with a very concerned look on his face as he continues to look me over.  "What happened?" I ask.  I can vaguely recall a loud booming in my ears and then.....

"Bai Qian.  Where is she?" I recall her face being the last thing I saw before I must have blacked out.

"Mo Yuan, I'm here." she says as she rushes towards me from the other side of the room. "Do you remember what happened?" she asks as she takes my hand and sits down next to me.  "I thought you would never wake up." she said softly, leading me to wonder how long I had been unconscious. 

"How long have I been here?" I ask her.

"5 days Mo Yuan." she says, shocking me fully awake.  

5 days?  That long?  I have missed my second meeting with the Princess it seems, and it seems that Bai Qian has read my thoughts when she cuts into them.

"The East Seas Princess has been to visit you twice and will be here again in the morning." she informs me, though I do not miss the disdain or anger in her voice.

Changing the subject, she asks what happened.

"The fan.  I called the fan." I tell her, but I can see the frown spreading across her face as I speak.

"Why did you call the fan?" she asks, and going by the look she is giving me, I sense I have done something I should not have done.

"That's enough for now, no more talking.  For now, I want you to just relax Mo Yuan." Zhe Yan admonishes the both of us.  "You've taken quite a hit to the head, and the blast from the fan has opened up old wounds." he adds.  

For the next hour, I lie quietly observing as both Zhe Yan and Bai Qian work together to close my wounds, clean and dress them.  The damage is quite extensive, from what I can see.  The fan must have forced me out violently to have caused this amount of damage, and though my head is no longer hurting, thanks to the medicine Zhi Lan made for me, my sight is still blurred, but Zhe Yan has informed me, that it will clear shortly.

I have so many questions.  Why would the fan force me out?  When I called the fan, did I also call Bai Qian, or did she follow it?  Did Ye Hua come with her?  

Eventually Die Feng enters and with Bai Qians help, I am deemed fit enough to sit up which they both help me to do after which I am given a cup of tea which I am very grateful for.  My throat hurts. 

Then ordering them out of the room, they leave me alone with Zhe Yan, as he sits next to me on the bed with a look I can't quite fathom.  Is he angry?

Once we are fully alone, he raises a privacy barrier and the storming begins.  "What the hell do you think you are doing you stupid fool? You could have been killed!"

I don't understand, but going by the look on his face, and being in no condition to fight back, I decide its best to remain quiet until he has calmed down enough for me to ask the questions that I have.

"I did not give you my cultivation, for you to turn around and throw it away!" then standing he moves to the side of me to pick up something, which he holds up for me to see..  It is the fan, which I immediately try to take hold of.  With narrowed eyes, he moves it out of reach.

"Explain to me why you summoned it." he demands to know, his face red from anger, which I am struggling to understand, and it is only causing my own to rise. 

The Fate of my Soul.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz