Part 33

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With Su Jin no longer on the mountain, Bai Qian allowed herself to be pampered by everyone who entered the infirmary, though she was fast becoming bored.  The same things to look at every single minute of the day, had her sighing restlessly eager to leave, but knowing, that if she did, Mo Yuan would berate her and force her back to bed.  She was still feeling slightly disconnected, but she felt well enough to walk about for short periods.

It was when Mi Gu arrived that she finally felt happy.  Her best friend since forever was here to take care of her.  Excited to see him, she flew out of bed and into his arms, completely flabbergasting the poor man.   It wasn't often she was this affectionate with him, but he returned the embrace none-the-less.  Then feeling very self conscious, he untangled himself and moved to return her back to bed.

"Mi Gu please!" she begged up at him, her large doe eyes near tears, tore at his heart, but he has known her all of her life, and he knew the look she was giving him.  It was one of mischief.  "I've been in here for days, I'm bored out of my brain." she cried while forcing her tears to fall down her face.

She knew he would fold, he always did.  He just couldn't bear to see her cry, but she forced more tears from her eyes, just to make sure.  Then seeing the softening of his eyes, her own lit up in victory.

"What do you want, Bai Qian?" he asked her tenderly, his hand still on her arm.

"Mi Gu, I need a break from this room.  I'm going to go crazy in here, pleeeeease." she begged, forcing out more tears, and quivering her lower lip.  "All you have to do, is lie down on the bed, and cover yourself with the blanket.  No one will suspect anything, they will just think I'm asleep and walk away" she said fluttering her long lashes up at him.

After much pleading and more tears, he finally gave in.  Lying down as ordered, she covered him quickly with the blanket, then slowly she made her way out of the infirmary, keeping herself hidden from view as she fled to the wine cellar.  

Popping open three bottles, she relaxed back into the seating, and took her first sip of wine in weeks.  "Ahhhhh...." she sighed, before taking an even longer sip.  It wasn't long before she had emptied the three bottles, before she rose once again to completely empty one shelf of its contents before transferring them all back to the table.  In silence, she enjoyed her first moments of freedom in drunken bliss.


When Qi heard what had happened between myself and his Aunt Yan Zhi, he lost all reason. Storming straight into my office, his temper wild and out of control, he railed against me in an unbridled attack against my very intelligence.

Stoically I sat there until Qi had exhausted his energy and fell into the chair before me, tears of frustration and anger pouring down his face as I looked on impassively.

I was expecting this reaction, Im just surprised it took as long as it did. The boys temper had always been wild and uncontrolled at the best of times, but it is the first time he has fully unleashed it at myself.

Once he had settled enough to listen, I spoke. "Qi. I am not going to apologize for what happened or what was said. You are well aware of the consequence should I allow your father to live and having spoken to your Aunt and where her intentions lie, I will not be allowing his release either now or in the future." Then leaning forward so Qi would have nowhere else to look but at my face, I sought to see his eyes, which were always rather expressive, especially when he is angry.

"Then you leave me no choice Shifu." he whispered back, having expended all of his energy and no longer looking as if he wanted to be in the same room as me. "I will be leaving for The Ghost Tribe Immediately." he informed me, though there is a sadness in his eyes, I can see he really doesn't want to leave.

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