Part 27

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"Mo Yuan, calm down." Zhe Yan says as he leads me to the back of the hall away from my Disciples.  "You said Die Feng is tailing him.  Whatever he is planning on doing, we will know about it in due course.  Storming about Kunlun Mountain is not going to bring him back, now sit down!"  Seething, I sit, but calming down is another matter, I am furious with Li Yuan and at this very moment my only thought is dragging him back out and killing him.

"Does he know?" Zhe Yan asks once I am sitting.  But its a question I cannot answer, because I don't know for sure.  On one hand, I hope that he does, so he keeps himself safe, but then again I don't, in case he does something foolish.  And my instincts which are never wrong, says he does.

Li Jing who has followed me out of the infirmary, approaches and sits down next to me.  "If I am reading him correctly, he has gone to the Mortal Realm to seek out Yan Zhi." he informs me.

"What do you mean, reading him correctly?" Zhe Yan asks.

Li Jing looks at Zhe Yan as if he only just realized he was there.  Raising his hands he bows politely before answering.  "It is a gift that belongs solely to our Royal line.  We instinctively know what each other is thinking/doing /feeling when our minds seek each other out.  Of course we can block it if we want to, but Qi does not yet have this knowledge, though I'm sure he will once he learns of it." then tapping his fingers lightly on the table in front of us he looks up at me.  "He  knows he now possesses Li Yuans share of our fathers power. This I am absolutely positive of." he adds.

"Then we need to find him!" I yell, once more on my feet only to be forced back down by Zhe Yan.  "Zhe Yan!" I roar, my temper is beyond frayed now. The days events are taking it's toll, I am tired, hungry and angry, not a great mix, especially when you're The War God.  

"Sit down Mo Yuan!  If I have to put you to sleep I will." He says more forcefully, the anger in him rising as I return a hard glare back at him.  

Calling Chang Shan forward, I order him to prepare food for everyone, which he informs me is already prepared and he will begin serving immediately.  Then taking out my bronze mirror, I call Die Feng, who answers immediately.  "What is happening?"

"Shifu, we are in the Mortal Realm.  He saw through the barrier, but he is allowing me at his side for now.  He hasn't told me of his plans, but we are about to enter a small eatery." then lowering his voice to a whisper he continues.  "Yan Zhi is here Shifu, it looks to be her own establishment.  I will report back when I have a full idea as to his intentions Shifu." he says.

"Good, and Die Feng, do not let him out of your sight.  You are to stay with him and Yan Zhi, keep him there." I order before I close the connection down.  At least there is one small mercy for us all to cling to, I know he is safe where he is, and with Die Feng on him, no harm will come to either of them.

Facing Li JIng I ask him, "How did he know Yan Zhi is in the Mortal Realm?  And how the hell did he see through my barrier?"

"We have been friends for years, we discussed many things, as for your barrier, that will be my fathers power, his magical powers will have increased considerably." he says nonchalantly as if it is of no concern, but I can see his thoughts are elsewhere, and it isn't too long before he brings me into them. "I always knew he was Ghost Clan, but not that he was Li Yuans son.  I can only assume it is Kunlun Mountains energy that concealed his true identity, even from me." he adds.

It is then the food arrives and I am ravenous, as is Zhe Yan and Li Jing, and the three of us attack the food heartily, not just to quell the hunger, but to still the conversation so we can all fall into our own thoughts without interruption.  And mine are all over the place, though going by the look that Liang is giving me, it is too open, so I quickly close it down.  That boy is too observant!

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