Part 9

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"Zhe Yan, why didn't you just tell me?  Why the damn secrets, there was no reason for you to hold the information back." I stormed at him as I reach him.  Everything she had told me, he could have told me and I am angry.  I have every right to be, when it is my life on the line.

Without a word, Zhe Yan, took my arm, and I am suddenly swept off my feet under a blue haze as he returns me to Kunlun Mountain.  On arrival he directed Die Feng to keep my disciples away as he led me straight to my own chamber and forced me to sit down at the low table.  Then throwing up a privacy barrier, he came and sat down before me.

"Alright Mo Yuan.  I am going to finish what Bai Qian didn't tell you and I want you to listen to every word.  What I have to tell you, she has no knowledge of, and for a very good reason, which you will understand when I am finished."

"As she has already told you, the heart blood she fed you, has bound your hearts together creating a soul bond.  Putting your soul together was not enough, her heart blood not only preserved your body, it also brought your soul back and as you know, a soul cannot return from the chaos without an attachment to the place it is returning to.  And it is correct, that without your love, the bond is breaking, which is why you are feeling the pull of the chaos drawing you back in."  Seeing that I am understanding and am not going to interrupt, he continues.

"What she doesn't know, is your life can be saved in two ways.  Either you regain your memories and with it the soul bond of your shared love, or you both fall in love with another."and as the words fall from his mouth, his head dropped, but I did not miss the sadness in his eyes as he tried to hide them from view.  Even so, it makes no sense to me at all.

Fall in love with another?  I don't understand.  Why would he not tell her this?  But seeing I am about to interrupt, he raises his hand to stop me.  "Let me finish Mo Yuan, when I am done, I will answer every question."

"As you know, she has a marriage arrangement with the Celestials Crown Prince and being a political marriage,  they are adamant that the marriage will go ahead.  Only the return of your memories can stop it.  Only you and Di Jun have the power to prevent political marriages, but having lost most of his cultivation, Di Jun has gone into seclusion, and of course you can't because you do not have the love for Bai Qian so will only end up in the chaos anyway.   However, if Bai Qian continues to refuse as things stand, we will be looking at a full scale war between Qing Qiu and The Celestial Palace, which will also include our supporting allies."

"So to prevent war, which no one wants, and to save your life, she would need to fall in love with The Celestials Crown Prince to completely and cleanly severe the heart blood bond that she cast on your soul and you will need to fall in love with East Seas Princess to attach your soul to this life. Mo Yuan, you cannot stay without an attachment.  Because you died, you rightfully should not have come back.  This is the only way to keep you here." 

"Either regain your memories Mo Yuan and quickly, or release her, you will have to tell her you do not want her, so she can move on." he sighed.  "Mo Yuan, I am sorry for not telling you earlier, but The Celestial Palace are coming down hard on Qing Qiu, and as you no longer love Bai Qian, we have nothing to prevent the marriage from going ahead.  She is refusing the marriage in the hope you will gain your memories, she cannot let you go and because of that, the trouble that will follow will be unavoidable."

Now I understand why he wouldn't tell me and why he insisted I stay here. Nodding that I understand, he asks me if I have any questions.  Kunlun Mountain is where I will either find my memories quickly, or assist in cleanly severing the heart blood bond, by falling in love with the East Seas Princess here in Kunlun Mountain.

"If I too refuse to marry the East Seas Princess, there will be a war?" I ask.  The last thing I want is a war having only just returned from one.  And with my disciples to care for, the thought of putting them through it, would be unfair.  And the thought of dying all of again, would be even more unfair.

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