Part 12

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It is early evening, and Bai Qian left Kunlun Mountain not long after she ran from my study in tears according to my disciples.  Now listening to them over dinner discussing her attendance, their tone has definitely softened, though I suspect it is because of the way she left my side that brought them all together.  And it is one of my disciples comments on her hasty retreat from my study,  that confirms my suspicions when I catch him observing my reaction to their discussion with what looks to be anger.

It is then that Die Feng approaches to inform me of the East Seas Princess's arrival in 2 days time.  A messenger had arrived while I was with Bai Qian, but did not wish to tarry having other messages to deliver elsewhere.   Nodding that I understand, I then ask him who the disciple is that has caught my attention.  He tells me that his name is Chen Qi and my fifth Disciple.  "Inform him I will be interviewing him in the morning." before rising and leaving the hall for my chamber.

Removing my zither from its chest, I gently lay it on the low table and slowly caress the strings.  It has been a very long time since I have held this instrument, but its familiarity and history is still with me as I begin to play.  It is a tune from a long time ago, one I remember from when I was a child that my father had played for my mother.  The melody is rich, strong, and melodic and it fills the air with many of my childhood memories.  Memories of Bai Zhi, and Jun Ah, as well as Zhe Yan.  They were blissful times of innocence and freedom.  A time of fun , laughter and boyish pranks.

I am so lost in thought that when my mind returns to the present, I become aware that I am playing a different tune.  A tune that is very familiar and as I continue to allow my fingers to move softly across the strings of their own accord, the Golden Lotus once again appears in my mind.  The tune was one I had composed for my brothers spirit, a tune of hope, and as I play I can clearly see an image of his lotus form in the pond, as his golden essence rises and falls with the melody.  Bai Qian too is in the image, in her male form, but her back is to me looking out at the valleys in the distance while one hand is gently swirling the water as she listens to the music and her other hand is holding The Fan of kunlun, which she is using to fan herself and though I have no idea why, tears are forming on my lids, which I immediately draw back in.  

Forcing the memory from my mind, I cease playing.  The days events have been a mixture of stunned amazement as I feel the surge of new energy still coursing through me, and sadness for what I did to her.  But I do not feel guilty, nor will I allow myself to feel remorse for what I did, not when the lives of so many are at stake, including my own.  She can move on with a brother I have yet to meet, and with the East Seas Princess arriving in two days, I may find love of my own.


I am in Zhe Yans Peach Tree Woods and I am sitting by the jade pool allowing the sun to caress my skin as the breeze to wafts the fragrant scent of the blossoms gently about me, when Bai Qian appears.  She is radiant and glowing and as the breeze picks up her hair, it flies about her face , the visage is one of serene beauty.   In her hand is the Jade Purity Fan of Kunlun, which she is admiring and as she reaches my side, she opens it to admire the painting of Kunlun Mountain that adorns it before tapping it lightly against her nose.  Then turning it around so I can see the beautiful artwork, she smiles at me.  "So many wonderful memories."

The early morning light is streaming through the window, and the dream is still with me.  The dream was unusually vivid and vibrant, the colors were bright and the scent fragrant, which I can still smell as I waken fully to the day ahead.  I know the dream was trying to tell me something, but I don't understand the message, so rising, I get dressed and make my way to the hall for breakfast.  I  I have an interview with my fifth Disciple and hopefully I will have time to fit in another.  I also have to prepare myself for the East Princess's visit tomorrow, then hopefully I can go into seclusion for a week or two  and garner cultivation before I interview the rest of my disciples.

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