Part 34

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The following day I made my way to The Celestial Palace, leaving Qian Qian in the care of Die Feng and Chang Shan, having found Mi Gu unfit for the job.   Not only did The Tree Sprite earn a harsh berating, he was also given punishment on top of it, that being, 2 weeks of labor within the grounds of Kunlun Mountain, after which he would be sent back to The Fox Den in disgrace.

Though after what happened in the infirmary, I can't be angry with the Tree Sprite for too long.  Our joining was tender, beautiful and heavenly, though I am wondering how much she will remember when she wakes from her drunken stupor.  The initial taking of her maidenhood caused her to scream out from the pain, which almost made me stop.  But she insisted I continue, so I continued slowly and gently until I felt her relax.  It was when her whole body rose up to meet mine, that I allowed myself to fully devour her and as I brought us both to a shattering climax, which had us both breathless and sated, did she inform me, that our union was everything she had dreamed it would be.  

The tenderness in her eyes at that moment broke every last reserve I had regarding her celibacy until marriage, a rule I myself placed on her in order to save her from the harshness of gossip should it become known she had been taken before marriage, should she fall pregnant. Which now had me worried, because I do not think she is taking precautions.  Either way, I will personally ensure she protects herself until the day we wed, to not only protect her virtue, but now that she has been awakened, I will no longer be holding back.  I want her in every way, and I will be taking it.

Reaching The Celestial Palace I am met by Ye Hua and his Star Lord Tian Shu, who immediately lead me to Xiwu Palace to collect Bai Zhi and The Fox Empress.  Inquiring politely as to Su Jins progress, he informs me that she has yet to waken, but The Fox Empress has been spending a fair amount of time with her along with his mother.  

As much as I love my brother, I cannot help but feel the distance between us.  Our conversation is stilted and awkward, though I make an effort to keep it light and comfortable, I can see Ye Hua is not one for small talk, though he does smile politely and insert words of interest at the appropriate times, which sadly is obvious.  

After the past few days with him at Kunlun Mountain,  I thought we were making progress, but, now I  can see it was an act when we arrive at his Palace to be met by Qian Qians mother who is literally fawning all over him.  He has no interest in connecting with me, this I can see clearly as his whole demeanor changes the second The Fox Empress and King comes into view.   He instantly turns on the charm and as the memory of his actions in the infirmary come back to me,  I can see I am going to have to keep a very close eye on him. 

Sitting with him now, going over the suitable dates for Ye Huas Coronation, put forward by The Celestial Palaces Lingbao Tianzun Lord of Numinous Treasures, Lord Pu Hua The Patriarch of Ceremonies and Punishment, and Myself, The Creator of Political Laws that govern all Ceremonies, we eventually come to an agreement on a date, which will be in exactly 1 months time.  And as Bai Zhi has been nominated by Ye Hua to personally act as an independent witness with no ties to The Celestial Tribe, his name too is added to the Coronation deed.

Now that the date has been set, I set off for the infirmary with The Fox Empress, to visit Lady Su Jin, who according to The Empress, is making good progress.  However, I do not get far, before Ye Hua races to catch up.  "Da Ge, I thought we could talk?" he asks, and wanting desperately to find a way to break through the barrier between us, regardless of my suspicions, I agree.  Excusing myself, we leave The Empress to make her own way, with a promise that I will visit before I leave.


Leading me to the Celestials Lotus Pond we sit quietly for a few minutes before he speaks.  "Tell me about our father." he says, and though he is not looking at me, for some reason I do not feel as if this is the true reason he has brought me here.  But regardless, and putting my suspicions aside, I talk to him of my own upbringing which isn't too far from his own in that it was strict and my very earliest childhood memories were just as lonely as his had been.  It wasn't until I began my Discipleship under my father on Kunlun Mountain, that I made friends with Dong Hua Di Jun, Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan, who became brothers.

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