Part 3

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Die Feng leads me to the Grand Hall, where all of my disciples are ready and waiting to greet me.  As they go through their greeting, I can't help but feel lost as I look at them. Die Feng tells me he has already informed them of my memory loss, and they will all assist in helping me to regain them.  

 They are all smiling and seem very happy to see me, some are even openly crying.  As I look around, I notice Si Yin isn't among them.  "Where is Si Yin?" I turn and ask Die Feng, which only causes them all to laugh.

One of them stands to address me.  He is a rather rotund boy, which surprises me, as the rest are quite lean in comparison.  "Shifu, I am Cheng Bao, your thirteenth disciple.  Si Yin is missing at the moment." he grins at me, then realizing I don't understand their laughter, he explains. "Shifu, Si Yin disappears regularly, it is common and something we are all used to, including you Shifu."

I nod in understanding, though I don't understand at all.  And now it seems as if I should say something to them as they look up at me in anticipation, but I don't remember any of them, and it merely makes the meeting awkward.  Still I greet them warmly.

 "Thank you for your warm welcome.  I know you're aware of my memory loss, but I'm sure in time I will regather them again, in the meantime, I would like a private meeting with each of you to reacquaint myself with you all." I find myself saying, though I had no intention of saying it, it seems to make them happy, so I mentally prepare myself.  They are my disciples after all,  and each of them will have memories that may trigger some of my own.  

Nodding in their general direction, Die Feng leads me out to walk about the grounds. Pointing at the different features he explains what they are and how they came into being.  

"Much of the School was designed by the Heavenly Father."  He tells me as he points to the Pillars at the main entrance.  "The mountain itself is built on the ancient bones of a Dragon, and its motifs have continued into the school itself"  he says as he slowly rolls his hand over a marble pillar with its deep Dragon motif etched into each of its four sides. "Though four is an unlucky number, you added the candle niches to combat it and bring harmony between the two opposing elements." which makes sense to me.

Waving his hand about the Grand Hall, he continues on.  "As you can see, there are 12 Pillars, which in multiples of three, symbolizes Divinity and their four sides are the element of Earth.  Therefore, together they represent wholeness, balance and perfection." he says as he continues to lead me forward to the main entrance.  

The Grand Waterway was created by The Heavenly Father.  There are much symbolism here." He tells me.  "Water, obviously has many meanings but for this area it has only one.  This is the highest point of the Mountain, and is often shrouded in thick cloud, which symbolizes the rule of an Emperor, who is the Son of Heaven, which is you Shifu." he smiles at me, before pointing to the actual waterway.  "And the clouds often fill the waterway with the Tears of Heaven, which are The Heavenly Fathers tears of Joy and happiness for your sacrifice to continue his School of Higher Learning."

 "As you can see, it is encompassed by cinnabar motifs, that are not only symbolic of Immortality, but also meditation, which were added by you"  He tells me.  Which is correct, the motifs do add an air of peacefulness to the surrounding waterway.  

Pointing to the surrounding hills and valleys, Die Feng tells me they are also a part of Kunlun, though not used by anyone.  "You did once allow a certain Goddess to live in the lower valleys, but after an altercation, she left." he didn't elaborate on what had happened as we continued to walk, but I do sense a sadness behind his words, so I let it slide.

We're now standing on a bridge and as I look over the edge, I pull myself back sharply.  Seeing my reaction Die Feng informs me, the bridge was initially built as a meeting platform for the lower deities to conference with us higher deities, he tells me as he points towards the surrounding rock formations in the distant valleys.  

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