Part 32

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Qi and Sheng are in deep discussion, when I return to the hall.  They have taken themselves off to the far end away from everyone else and seem to be completely oblivious to everyone else around them.  In fact, it is not the first time I have come across the two of them talking so secretively I am beginning to wonder if there is something going on that I need to know about, but, as I am about to make my way in their direction, I am interrupted by Li Jing.

"High God Mo Yuan.  We have settled into our chambers, do you have time to meet now?" he asks.

I am annoyed at being interrupted, but as he and his sister are guests, I put a smile on my face and turn towards him.  "Li Jing, lets have lunch first, we can talk after that." I suggest, it will also give me time to not only observe more closely The Princess and her interactions between her brother and Qi, but also their interaction with my Disciples.

Nodding in agreement, Li Jing raises his hands to bow.  "If it is alright with you High God Mo Yuan, may I take Yan Zhi for a walk around the grounds, this is her first visit here, and the views are spectacular." he asks with a warm genuine smile.  

I find myself smiling back at him.  He is pleasant enough, and he does not give me any cause for concern.  Though I can clearly see a hidden intelligence behind his soft eyes, he does not flaunt it, in fact he almost seems somewhat childish in his mannerisms and approach to others and nor do I think it is intentional, he is genuinely nice.

His sister on the other hand, though polite, does not give me the same feelings.  Intelligent yes, but her heart rules her mind, which in turn sees her making decisions that does not always bring the best outcome, hence why she has now chosen to throw herself at The Mortal Realm.  And it is her inability to see the bigger picture that I will be keeping a very close eye on her.

"Thats fine Li Jing.  But there are areas that are out of bounds to you both.  That is, the armory, the Library and all areas beyond the Lotus Pond." I inform him, which contains my own chamber, the elixir chamber which also holds potions and rare elixirs, as well as my own personal library, which contains information on every realm and clan including their own.

"Yes, I understand." he smiles again, but this time I do notice a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, but he continues to bow, before making his way back to his sister.

Once he is out of hearing range, I call Jiang Shen to my side.  "Follow them, but remain out of view.  Open your hearing and sight senses and pay attention to everything they discuss, then report back to me." I order him, before making my way to the kitchens to ensure a special diet of for our Ghost Clan visitors is prepared, completely forgetting about Qi and Sheng who are still in deep discussion.

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Having settled Su Jin into The Celestials Infirmary, Ye Hua left immediately to oversee his guests comfort, that being The Fox Queen.  Having insisted that Die Feng and Cheng Bao also stay for a meal before they returned to Kunlun Mountain, Ye Hua went to work in the vast Kitchen preparing a meal big enough to feed the whole Palace.

His cooking skills were legendary among the Palace staff, however, it was a skill totally unknown outside of the Celestial Tribe, though there were whispers and rumors, no one, other than Palace staff had ever seen him cook.  But today was a special day, they had a very special guest and one whose comfort he would personally see to.

And the one thing he learned the past few days at Kunlun Mountain, was even though they were fed well, the food lacked much in the way of flavor and even meat.  Meat was an important staple in Ye Huas diet, of which they rarely ate, instead filling themselves on a predominantly vegetarian diet.  And meat, when it was served, was kept to chicken and fish only, there was no red meat which a large healthy man of Yehuas build needed to thrive on.

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