Part 19

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The moment I felt the air change, I knew immediately where we were.  Waiting for my feet to touch the ground, I looked down at her questioningly.  "Why here?" I asked her, as she let me go to look about our surroundings.

We are in a cave in the Mortal Realm, and the definite change in atmosphere is thick and heavy.  The temperature is a lot cooler, and air is more dense, but it's manageable.  I can also hear the sound of the ocean which seems to be quite close.

"This cave is where you used to bring me when I was younger to teach me to meditate.  I loved the sound of the waves and it helped me to close down my inner thoughts which were always a shambles.  The cave also has its own energy, which isnt as good as Kunlun Mountain, but its enough for you to gain cultivation and to heal."  She tells me, as she quickly moves about the cave preparing for an extended stay.

"Also,  because time moves differently here, you will be able to cultivate without losing too much time in the Immortal Realm, we both have issues to deal with when we return." she continues with a wry smile, obviously referring to Ye Hua and The East Seas Princess, which brings back the thought as to why Ye Hua had not followed her to Kunlun Mountain.  But I decide to leave it for now, I will question her later, he is after all my brother.

Looking around the cave, I can see we had indeed once occupied this space.  There is a familiar rug on the floor which I remember purchasing.  And now that the incense and candles have been lit, the atmosphere has changed to one of warmth. There is also a small fire pit which I have a faint memory of lighting and long talks on all manner things.  

Moving further into the cave, I can see several scrolls on a nearby side table which I immediately investigate, perhaps more memories will come from them.  There aren't too many, but they are neatly stacked alongside blank scrolls for future writing.

The scrolls are thoughts and assessments of Kunlun Mountain life, which I find interesting, but there really isnt any value in any of them until I reach the last scroll, which for some reason I have tied, which is a marker for future reading.  Not wasting any time, I untie the bow and fully open the scroll, before moving to the low table to read what was so important that I felt a need to come back to it.

The scroll is an in-depth study of my 12 Disciple Cheung Xing whom I have a vague recollection of.  And as I am reading, my eyes are widening considerably, and I can see now, why I felt the need to come back to this scroll.  Only a young boy, and not having reached High Immortal status, for his age his giftings are phenomenal, so much so, that I forced him into Kunlun Mountain to protect him.

It was here in the Mortal Realm that I discovered him while on vacation with his parents, both of whom were Immortals.  Their Mortal Realm home isn't too far from this cave, in fact, if I remember correctly, it is a mere mile away. 

At the time, I had noticed the boy with his parents playing in the sand beside the ocean, and with not much to do, I had sat to observe the happy family gathering while I passed away the time.  It was as I was watching, that I saw the boy look back at his parents with a look I knew to be mischief.  Smiling to myself, knowing he was about to misbehave, I waited to see what he was planning, when his head turned back towards the water where a small gathering of Mortal children were frolicking in the water,  then he suddenly disappeared.

Instantly my attention flared, if he was planning something which involved the Mortal children, and going by the mischievous look on his face, it wasn't going to end well, and it didn't take too long for my assumption to prove correct.

He appeared among the children as a shark!  A shape shifter which by all accounts he should not have been able to achieve at his young age, especially with his low Immortal powers. 

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