Part 39

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The past 12 days had gone by so swiftly, that had it not been for Feng Jius constant sighing, Bai Qian would have completely lost track of time.  In the end, she sent her to her Grandfather whenever Ye Hua turned up to take her for a daily walk about the Palace.  And though she had said she would only stay a week, she found herself needed each time she met with Ye Hua,  Su Jin needed her help and being female and the only one with her knowledge of soul tracking and healing abilities, Ye Hua had talked her into staying.  Not that she minded, she was enjoying her time at the Palace, and Ye Huas pleasant company was so much more enjoyable than the infirmary on Kunlun Mountain, which she knew Mo Yuan would force her back into if she returned now.  

Every day Ye Hua took time out of his busy schedule to spend time with her, that after the fifth day she began to look forward to his visits and later his company.  Meal times especially, he was a fantastic cook, but she did wonder if he had, had a quiet word with her mother.  Because every meal he dished up, contained only her most favorite foods, which made the eating all that more enjoyable.

His soft spoken voice and gentle manner immediately put her at ease, and even though her nieces words of warning remained at the back of head, not once had she seen anything to warrant suspicion.  In fact, he had been nothing but gallant and honorable in everything he did and said, and not just towards her, but everyone else including his staff. 

 He was also a highly compassionate man, who never showed off his high status, everyone was treated equally.  Much like Qing Qiu where status never overruled the heart.  

But the most enjoyable was the conversation.  And being an intelligent man with an interest in most things, he kept up with her mind even better than she did.  Though he never flaunted his vast knowledge on a range of topics, he allowed her to always lead the conversation on topics that interested her, and no topic was too trivial either not even when she talked to him about her friend Zhi Lans interest in the Ghost Princess which he found interesting, he even suggested she try and match make the two.

Though the more heavier topics were where his interest really lay, and wanting so much to learn more about him, she found herself searching her mind for topics that did interest him. And the more she talked to him, the more she found herself opening up to him.  He had an uncanny knack of delving deep into her heart and forcing out information without her even realizing she was sharing her inner most secrets, because he had the ability to make her secrets seem trivial, so not worth hiding anyway.

And one of those secrets was the sharing of her hearts blood with Mo Yuan, and the effect it has on his soul.  She even told him, that without her love, he would return to The Chaos.  And because he had made light of the conversation, by suggesting that it was fate that brought them together and only fate could part them, she began to wonder why it was such a big secret after all, completely missing the darkening of eyes.

Now waiting outside the infirmary with her mother, she was beginning to worry.  Unable to see what it was that Zhe Yan had seen, she did not fully understand why she had been asked to return to her chamber, but going by his manner, she worried that perhaps he was suspecting Ye Hua of something, and that made her uneasy, because after the past few days, she had never seen anything that would warrant Zhe Yans suspicion.  But whatever was wrong, she would wait right here with her mother should Ye Hua or Zhe Yan need their assistance.  


"So? Ye Hua glared back at Zhe Yan.

"So? Is that all you have to say?  You have literally sentenced this girl to death by your own hand Ye Hua.  And all you have to say for yourself is So?" Zhe Yan asked incredulously.

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