55. This Is It

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Bye bye shower.

I stand in my towel, pondering what I should wear considering I have over twenty-four hours of travel time ahead of me. I settle upon a pair of light blue denim jeans with scuffed knees, a white singlet top, and an oversized grey knitted cardigan. I leave my hair down, but place a hair tie on my wrist in case I decide to pull it up later, because it will undoubtedly annoy me later on.

"Ava? You ready kiddo?" My dad calls from downstairs.

"Coming," I yell back, looking at my room one last time as I roll my luggage out.

Bye bye room.  

                                            - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Where do we check in?" my mother asks aloud, and I point in the right direction. It was only two days ago that we were checking in Harry, and now it's my turn.

"Hi, can I please have your booking number?" The friendly staff member asks me as we reach the check in desk.

"Sure, it's QJN7652," I read out from the piece of paper.

"Great, there is a stopover in Sydney, but I'll have your luggage sent directly to London for you," she explains.

"Perfect," I reply.

"Here is your boarding pass, and have a lovely flight," she chirps.

"Um, aren't I meant to pay here?" I ask, confusion set on my face. "I put a deposit down, but I still need to pay the remainder."

"No, the account status is paid, everything is sorted," she smiles.

I face my parents who look just as puzzled as I am, and then it hits me.


"Excuse me, but is there any way I can get the payment reversed, and pay now? I would really appreciate it," I ask nicely.

I can't let him spend that kind of money on me. I really dislike people paying for big purchases for me. I don't want to feel like I owe him. 

"I'm sorry Miss, the account has been paid. We are unable to reverse the payment," she announces, quashing the shred of hope I had.

I am about to offer to buy a completely new seat before my mother places her hand on my shoulder, ushering me over with her, "Thank you," she says to the lady, and I unwillingly follow her away from the booth.

"I'm going to kill him," I mutter under my breath.

"That was very sweet of him," my mother gushes, either not hearing my last comment, or choosing to ignore it, "Isn't it dear?"

"Yes. Very sweet," I say through gritted teeth. I quickly type out a message to him and hit send.

"You're so dead"

I know his intentions mean well, but I'm going to be paying him back for every cent.

We find a nice little café within the airport, and Mum makes me order something to get some food in my system, but I feel if I take a bite, I'll spew out my nerves. I just want to be on the plane already.

We find a table and I clear the left over rubbish from the previous customers, and two girls approach the table.

"Oh – I'm sorry," I say, "Was this your table?"

"No, we just wanted to see if we could get a picture with you," one of the girls asks.

"Um, sure," I smile. Each girl takes a photo with me, and tells me how much they love my boyfriend - which is quite an odd to hear, and my brother is snickering as they walk off.

"Shit - we should have called the airport ahead of time to have the red carpet lined up for Ava Sinclair," he says, making fun of me. "I didn't realise you'd become such a hotshot."

"I didn't realise you'd become such a hotshot," I mimic his voice.

"You've changed, Hollywood," he shakes his head, acting disappointed, and I shove him.

"You kind of deserved that," Dad laughs to a sulky looking Brooklyn.

Unfortunately I am not able to hold off on going through customs for as long as Harry did on Wednesday, so it got to the point of the day where I needed to say our goodbyes.

We begin walking towards the entrance to customs, and my pace begins to slow as I get closer and closer. I am so keen to get up in the sky, but when I look back, I completely break down, causing tears to well up in my mother's eyes.

"Oh darling, don't cry," my mother says whilst hugging me, "You'll set me off too!" with tears already falling down her cheeks, causing me to laugh through my own tears.

I say my individual goodbyes to each of them, and walk through the double doors to look back at my beautiful family who I will miss dearly.

My father who still looks at me like I'm his little girl, my older brother that frustrates me to within an inch of my life - but would still do anything for me. My sister Marnie who is my unconventional rock and source of wisdom when I need advice, and finally my mother – the warm hearted glue that holds this family together. I quickly run back to embrace them one last time before boarding, and head through the same doors I watched Harry depart through only days before.

This is it.

Author's Note: I sound like a broken record, but thank you so much to everyone reading! I now have 380K views and my fanfic is ranked #38 and is now above After!! (at the moment) - how crazy?! My aim is to get on the first page atleast and I need all of your help to get me there, so please vote, comment, and pass it on like crazy, and hopefully I'll get there! I'll never ever bribe you and say I'll update if I get a certain amount of votes, but the better I seem to do at this, the more motivation I have to update, so if you like it, please show it :)

It was so hard to choose my favourite comment, because they were all so amazing, but I loved the comment from  @Lilystyles1234 - so sweet of her to leave such lovely feedback, and it is so flattering to me that someone would check Wattpad specifically for my story. Gives me chills that I have this amount of readers!

Twitter: WordsWithGem 
Snapchat: gemma.allan
Instagram: gemma.allan

Love Gemma x

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