27. Nervous

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He leads me from the car and through a busy area, and due to my blindfold I'm unable to see my surroundings, so I rely on my other senses. I hear a lot of people and also some traffic. Maybe we're in the city? I hear the sound of a passing tram which pretty much confirms my suspicion.

Although I trust Harry, I'm still half expecting to walk into something, or even fall into a hole. I feel his hot breath in my ear,

"Okay, we're coming up to a big step," he says, and the effect of his breath against my ear is giving me goose bumps.

I prepare myself, and take a huge step up, and can still only feel flat surface. Judging by the sounds of his laughter, I'm going to take it that he's fibbing about the step. I pinch him and before I can tell him off, I hear people call out his name, along with clicking sounds. He leads me a little more hastily now, and I sense people closing in on us. He pulls me in even closer, and soon I feel myself being led through doors, and the people outside are just a dim noise to us.

"Okay, watch your step for real this time," he tells me, "And another... and another," he informs, as we head up three steps in total, before hearing the ding of an elevator. Where are we going? I'm desperate to find out, and I'm wracking my brain at where we could possibly be going. The elevator dings once more, and we step out into a quiet space. He leads me forward a few steps, and squeezes my hand softly.

"Okay, you can take it off now," he tells me.

I remove the blindfold and I can now see that I'm in a dimly lit room, styled in a Japanese based theme. Instantly, my eyes are drawn to a table set for two in the centre of the space. Through the wall to wall glass windows, we have the beautiful view of the Yarra River, as well as the lights of the city. The setting just couldn't be any more perfect.

"Harry, this is just... wow," I breathe. He smiles, holding out my chair for me to sit. Harry is seated, and a waiter approaches.

"Sir, Madam," he addresses, bowing courteously to each of us as he speaks. "My name is Geraldo, and I will be your waiter this evening. As the menu is set for this occasion, may I ask you for your drink order?"

"I don't think we can dine here without ordering the sake, so I think we'll take that for now. As well as some iced water please."

The waiter leaves us alone again and I smile. I've never had anyone order for me before, and I quite like it when he takes charge. He's not doing it in an arrogant kind of manner, but I kind of get the picture that Japanese food is his thing, so I'll let him run with it. He comes back with our drinks, and never having tried sake before, I take a hesitant sip of the clear coloured liquid, with an almost golden tinge. It confuses me as when I first taste, it reminds me of a dry, white wine, but then I also get tones of vodka. At the end of the day, it's alcohol, so regardless, I'm a fan.

"You like?" he asks, as he, too takes a long sip.

"That I do. It's a little strong though. I think it's pretty clear your aim is to get me very drunk," I joke.

"I'm doing nothing of the sort," he smiles cheekily. "You seem to do so well from your own efforts," he laughs, referring to the night before. He still manages to give me butterflies, even when he's teasing. Especially when he's teasing.

Geraldo returns back to us with a platter of freshly made sushi rolls that he sets out on the table, and leaves us alone again.

"I hope you like Japanese," he says warily.

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