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Now that Teej was back home, we were finally able to form as the family of five that we now were. Well, Pharoh makes it six. But you understand what I mean, having twins was a huge adaption and it would have taken a while to get used to.

But honestly, words couldn't even begin to describe how grateful I was about what TJ did to help me recover. Since the beginning of our relationship, I knew that him and needles weren't exactly chummy, so not only was I grateful, I was so proud of him. Even though he was near enough fully recovered, I still wanted to look after him, and even if that meant wearing that stupidly revealing nurse outfit for him, then that's what it meant.

"There she is!" He smirked as I walked in the bedroom holding a tray of Filipino food, while wearing that stupid nurse outfit. He was more than happy laying on the bed playing some Friday the Thirteenth, which I pray he wasn't streaming. That would've been vastly awkward for me. After putting the tray on the floor by the bedside table, he allowed me to sit on his lap, meaning he was definitely happy to see Nurse Brooklyn return. "God, you are beautiful. But daddy is still sore, so you might have to find a method to help me recover." I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I teased him by swaying my body backwards then forwards over his dick. "Ugh, god, Brooklyn, this is helping. But, you know, losing a few more layers will definitely help." Seeing him smirk as he ripped his shirt off was insanely hot, but I was feeling a little bit guilty that I was teasing him. But oh well, it was making him feel better.

After a very steamy make-out session, I wound up back on top of him. "Is Monsieur Perkins feeling better now?" I grinned as I held his biceps. "Mmm, much better, but if we're not going to get funky, then I might as well watch when we were." As I watched him, being more confused than ever, I saw him get the family IPad in the bedside table, and as I continued watching him, I knew what he was searching for. Our sex tape. We made it just before the draft just before we got engaged, just in case we got separated, it was for our more...alone time. But I thought had deleted it a long time ago. "Babe, I'm okay with you keeping the tape, but not on the family tablet, what if the kids see it?" "Relax, they wont. But can you believe that we made the tape nearly four years ago? And even now, I can make you tremble. But you keep denying me sex!"

When it came to TJ and sex, the duo was incredible. TJ was amazing in bed, I couldn't deny it. I mean, there's a reason why we have three kids together! And I do understand where he's coming from, when we started dating, our sex life was amazing, four, five times a day. But now since we've had kids, it's had to be slowed down. Of course I'd love to be intimate with TJ, but we have a family now, and Codi, Keenan and Eden had to be our main priorities.  

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