Hayes (sweet)

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For: Madison


"Please just let me tell them!" My boyfriend on 3 years begged me. "Hayes, I'm scared they'll feel different about us" i replied back. "They wont baby, i promise. Just trust me. Okay?" He tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed me. "Fine" i said giving up.

I'm pregnant. Me and Hayes have known for some time now but i was always afraid of telling the boys because i didn't want them to hate me. Hopefully they'll be happy. I mean if they were our true friends they would be.

Hayes grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs of his house to where Nash, and all the rest of the boys were. "Guys" he said getting everyones attention. "Yaaa" Nash said, obviously annoyed. Well.. This should be fun.

"I have something really important" Hayes answered back. "More important than the smack cam war we're about to have" Cameron said smacking Carter across the face. He went running into the kitchen while everyone started laughing. I knew this was a bad idea.

I ripped my hand out of Hayes' and started to walk back, heading towards his room. I felt him grab my arm and pull me back. "They don't care" i said trying to get them to hear me. "Yes they do. Trust me. Their just playing around now. It's what they do best." He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand again returning to our place. "GUYS" Hayes screamed. Wow. I have never heard him like this before. "It's important, honestly" he squeezed my hand a little and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. I trusted him, because i love him.

"Is everyone okay?" Matt asked concerned. "Yeah, everyones fine" i replied back, taking away his concern. "Than what is it?" Taylor asked, obviously impatient. "Maddie's pregnant" Hayes blurted. I watched as all of the boys faces dropped. They looked at each other. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it.

I watched as Nash walked up to Hayes and just stared at him. I waited and waited to see what he was going to say. "WAY TO GO BRO!!" He screamed bringing Nash into a huge hug. All the boys jumped up screaming and came in to give me and Hayes a bug group hug. "You have to tell the fans!" Shawn told us. The fans. I never thought of that! How would they react? They dont even know we're dating. I bet they'll hate me.

"Well i was planning on telling the fans only about us dating. I dont think their ready for the whole 'baby' thing" hayes replied. He was? He was going to tell them? Well im glad we discussed that.

It shouldnt really matter to me anyway what they think. Hayes will still love me afterwards no matter what, i know he will.

~later that night at Magcon~

"Hey everyone!" Hayes greeted halfway through the show. I was in the back waiting, patiently. Well not really. I am so nervous. Wouldnt you be too though? I dont want to be judged by millions of girls.

"I have some good news to tell ya'll" he said in that cute accent. The fans were going absolutely wild. My heart was beating out of my chest. Why do i even care what they think? Should i even care what they think?

"Hey Maddison, can you come out here please?" He asked pointing to the doorway. Here we go. I walked out and everyone was staring at me. They all looked so confused, and damn were there a lot of girls.

When i finally reached the stage, i looked over at Hayes who was giving me a reassuring look. "This is my beautiful girlfriend and I love her so much. I hope you guys will love her too! She is amazing at everything she does, and honestly if you cant find a place in your heart for her, theres something wrong with you" he went on and on and the crowd got louder and louder.

They were all cheering. And for me! I couldnt believe it. They actually liked me! I was so happy. Hayes leaned in and kissed me and the fans went absolutely bizarre! Im glad they were happy for us. Because if they weren't i wouldnt know how to live with myself.


Omg im so sorry for no updates yesterday and today😭😭😭😭. Im just so over tired its not even funny. I fell asleep in history today and got in so much trouble. But oh well. Lol. After this weekends over guys im all yours😘😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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