Matt (sweet)

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For: ohmypuma_


Today i got to spend yet another great day with my crazy best friends at Magcon. Let's see. Theres Shawn, Taylor, Cameron, Jack. G, Jack. J, Carter, Nash, Hayes, Aaron, Dillon, Sam, Jacob, and Mahogany. Oh yeah. And Matt. The love of my life.

I like him, like a lot, but we barely ever talk because I'm usually with Shawn or Cameron the whole time. Their like my mains. Their funny, loving, and their basically my brothers. I tell them everything. I even told them about Matt. They think Matt likes me back, but i know he doesnt. I just know it.

The event had just ended and it was so much fun, like usual. I noticed that Matt had left kinda early, but i didnt think anything of it.

We were walking back to the hotel and i was with Cameron. "So Kait, what would you do if Matt asked you out like right now?" He asked me out of the random, with a big smile on his face. Hmm. Weird. "Most likely say yes" i admitted laughing. "Good" he whispered under his breath, i could barely hear him. That was really weird. I've already told Cam a billion times that i liked Matt, obviously he know i would say yes.

When we arrived at the hotel, we got onto the elevator, and headed to the floor where all of out rooms are. "Why did Matt leave early?" I asked curiously. "He said he didn't feel good" Taylor blurted. I saw Nash hit him on the arm. I knew when Taylor was lying. What is going on? I hate when they don't tell me stuff!

The elevator door opened and i was the first one to walk out. I placed my foot out of the elevator but stopped when I felt something under my foot. I looked down and noticed a red paper heart on the ground. There wasnt just one either. There were hundreds leading to somewhere.

I looked back at the guys who were all smiling and shooing me to go forward. I did.

I followed the hearts all the way down the hall to what looked like Carter's room i believe. I followed the hearts inside and looked around. Nobody here. Hmm.

I was just about to turn around and leave, but then i heard a voice. "Kaitlyn?" It said. I turned around immediately. My jaw almost dropped to the sight of who i saw. Matt. Standing right in front of me, holding a rose, looking so perfect. "Matt." I said back, sounding a little surprised. "Did you do all of this?" I asked him. "Of course" he said blushing "who else would have?"

I turned around and admired the beautiful candle lit table. "May i?" He asked grabbing my hand. "You may" i giggled. We sat at the table and just chatted for a while, until i decided to bring something up. "Why did you always ignore me?" I asked truthfully. I knew the boys were listening too, i could hear them fighting outside the door.

"Thats what ive been meaning to tell you" he grabbed my hand, looked down, then back into my eyes. "Kaitlyn, i like you, and honestly i think i always have. Ive never talked to you because i thought that someone as beautiful as you, wouldnt date anyone like me. I mean cmon. The way your blue eyes sparkle, or the way your blonde hair shines in the sunlight, just kills me. Everyday i got more and more upset with myself, because i knew that i could have spent those days getting to know you, and i regret that. Kaitlyn, I-I love you. And i wouldnt want to have anybody else but you"

I looked into his loving eyes. Was this really happening. The love of my life just told me he loved me.

I think i may have scared him on how long it took me to reply because i could start to see him getting nervous. "I love you too Matt" i said. Before i knew it he was leaning in and as our lips touched, i felt the butterflies in my stomach. Not nervous butterflies, but happy ones. "Im glad" he said smiling. "Now, let me take you on an actual date" he said kissing my cheek. "Of course" i replied.


Sorry for no updates today😞. It was a long day. Maybe some more tomorrow? Still tryna catch up on them personals! But hey, their fun to make so i dont mind😊

Stay Nashty🏄

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