Chapter 10~It's for the best...

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I frowned at the fact that she was scolding me over my reticence. It wasn’t that I don’t know how to socialize; it was just that I didn’t want to. “I do plenty of living and socializing in the library.”

Suddenly, Nahuel’s face materialized behind my eyes, and I shuddered. I had forgotten that my last socializing in the library wasn’t the best experience I’ve had at this school.

Aldana chuckled, “Books don’t count when it comes to socializing or living. So as of now you’ll be living life from a different angle. Come on, we are going to the Cafeteria.”

My eyes bulged, “But it’s breakfast hour, it’ll be crowded.”

            “Precisely,” she nodded, “which means more people to mingle with.”

            “I don’t like mingling,” I grumbled, much to my disdain.

            “Then just sit and let the people converse with you,”

            “I don’t like people,”

She gave me an odd look just as we reached the doors to the cafeteria, “How did you get this far in life, girl? There seems to be more things you don’t like than the other way around.”

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m doing perfectly fine as I am.”

            “Sure, I bet you’re doing just spiffy,” she snorted, opening up the door to enter. A cacophony of voices greeted us as we entered, along with the cloying scent of ripe syrup and waffle batter. I scrunched up my nose against the sickening smell, along with fighting the urge to clasp my palms over my ears. Aldana snaked through the tight crowd, pulling me along.

            Toward the back, the population began thin out; round tables scattered about. I glanced over at Aldana—who had her eyes trained at a specific location—her face lit up instantly.

            “They’re here, that’s great, now you can finally meet them all together.” She stated, picking up speed. I stared ahead, very much perplexed, letting her lead me to a cornered table where three people were socializing. Two red headed girls giggling excitedly—Justin was among them. As soon as he saw us emerge, he shot up from his seat as if ready to charge out the nearest exit.

            “Hey, Elaine,” he beamed at me before turning to Aldana, “Hey, love crumpet,”

Aldana let go of my arm as she hurried over to give him a whole-hearted embrace, a light chuckle bubbling up her chest.

            “You’re so weird,” she continued to laugh, pulling away, “What’s up with the whole ‘love crumpet’ thing?”

Justin shrugged his turquoise orbs lingering over to me as he spoke, “I thought it was about time I try out new nick names.”

            “What? Is my real name too overrated for you?” she joked, giving his shoulder a light push.

I bit my lip then, pondering over the true relationship between them; the way they seemed to act around each other seemed too open to be merely just friends.

            “Come, Elaine,” Aldana turned to wave me over, “I want you to meet the rest of the posse,”

Tentatively I stepped forward, looking down at the two other girls at the table. They both smiled jovially at me, no sign of hostility in their sincere faces.

Aldana sauntered over to drape an arm over my right shoulder, “Ok so this is Alex and Rose. I already told them about you, Elaine, so we don’t have to go on repeating your name again. They are twins—if you haven’t already figured that out.”

The Tears I Shed For Him...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя