Chapter 60

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Bounding down the stairs I called my father with Beo not far behind me.

"What do you want and why are you yelling," he asked with a piece of the baby carriage he was trying to assemble in his hands.

"You mind if we head to the park to go eat at the food trucks," I asked him and he waved us off going back to his project which was obviously getting the better of him.

"I don't understand why we couldn't just eat at the house for free," Beo complained as we walked to the park which was just under a mile away. 

"It's not like you are paying for anything so calm down," I told him as we walked. The wind coming from the cars passing made it nippy and I could see Beo was annoyed that his hair was being blown around and not as pristine as it was when we left but I thought he looked quite good with it blowing across his face.

"Can you look forward," he said in a voice laced with distaste. He really hated walking places but I knew the moment the had the jerk chicken sliders he'd be happy I made him come with me.

"Come here," I said as I grabbed his hand and made him walk a little bit faster and a lot closer to me. He smelled like flowers and his hand was warm. I gave hi=m a kiss on his temple and could see him fight back a smile but his warming cheeks gave him away.

"How far away are we," he asked in a less agitated tone of voice.

"We're looking at the welcome sign," I said and pointed at the entrance of the park with my free hand and I could see the circle of food trucks within just fifty yards. The smell was amazing a mix of barbeque and popcorn. We walked over to the trucks and found the one I was looking for. I smiled at the older Jamaican lady in the truck before ordering the two sandwiches and paid before we received our sliders and took a seat at one of the wooden picnic tables to eat.

"You love it don't you," I said looking at Beo devour the food.

"Shut up," he said before continuing to eat some more. We sat in a comfortable silence which was nice until he bumped me to get my attention and pointed to the left of where we were sitting. I sat there and looked in the direction of where he was pointing and noticed someone who looked familiar setting with a guy who was big and bulky.

"Why is Germany here," Beo asked while standing up like he was prepared to walk over to him but something about the bulky man made me want to get out of his field of vision. Instinctively, I grabbed Beo by the and arm and pulled him with me to the back of the trucks and began looking for a view of Germany and the man who had this evil look in his eyes as if he would kill you unprovoked with a smile on his face. Something about him made me super uncomfortable as if we should run away which wasn't a common feeling for me. Never in my life had I run away from a fight but I knew that the guy was danger and the last thing that I needed was to put Beo in danger. I pulled my phone out really quickly and then I snapped a picture of the man who was sitting at the table with Germany and then I grabbed Beo and started to run. I could hear him protest as we were moving like bats out of hell but he continued to run even though he was breathing heavily all the way t the house which we busted into and received a shout form Ma.

"Ozias what the fuck," Beo said in the foyer as the breathed heavily trying to get his heart rate down. I didn't have an answer for my behavior so I just walked upstairs here I bumped into Maddox who looked at me with pure annoyance.

"What's wrong with you," he asked in a tone of voice that said he really didn't care but at the same time I had a feeling I should show him the picture. I pulled my phone out without saying a word and the pulled up my gallery app to show him the picture of the strange man and Germany sitting at the table looking to have a serious conversation.

"Did you just take this picture," Maddox said looking at me with a look of concern.

"Yeah, do you know who that is," I asked but before I could say anything Maddox was sprinting down the stairs and the next thing I knew my father was calling me downstairs.  I didn't hesitate to make my way downstairs to the living room where he was sitting with MA who was holding my phone with a look of fear that I had never seen on his face. Beo was sitting next to him and he looked concerned along with Dad who had this seriousness on his face liked he was geared for war.

"Were these two at the park just now," he asked me.

"Yes," I responded knowing just by his tone and the way everyone was acting that something bad was happening.

"Where is Calloway," he asked the room.

"Calloway" Ma shouted finally looking up from the phone. He looked beyond shaken like someone had come and sucked the life out of him. His hands were shaking as he rubbed along his belly which was now protruding a little bit with my little sibling growing inside of him.

"What's going on," Calloway said walking into the room like had had just woken up despite it being two in the afternoon.

"Has Germany contacted you today," Dad asked.

" I haven't checked my phone today so I don't know, why," he asked us. Dad took the phone away from Ma and then showed it to Calloway.

"This is Germany sitting at the park. Ozias and Beo saw him just a few minutes ago and this guy talking to him is London," my dad said and I felt a chill go up my spine. I had imagined London being a demon with horns and glowing yellow eyes. Him looking like a normal person was what made him twice as scary. Nothing would say danger about him unless you really looked at his posture or into his eyes.

"What do you mean that's London, Germany doesn't know anyone named London," Calloway said in disbelief but one look at the way Ma was responding to just the picture of the man brought him into reality. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"We need to get out of here, boys pack a bag for a few nights now," Dad barked at us and began and none of us waited before running up the stairs even Calloway who was sobbing as he moved. Within ten minutes Beo, my brothers and I were packed and standing by the door in silence. A few seconds later Ma walked over to us and put his hands on both sides of Calloway's face which was covered in tears and brought him into a hug. Calloway looked like he was heartbroken which was hard to witness. Maddox looked over at me with a look which told me he was ready to kill Germany.

"It's okay Calloway, we don't know what's going on. London has a way of wedging his way into peoples lives. He gets to people to get what he wants even those you would think are untouchable. We'll see what's really going on but until then I don't want you talking to him without letting us know, do you understand me," he asked Calloway who nodded.

"Let's go I called grandpa and he told us to come over," Dad said motioning us to go to the car. I started walking and grabbed Beo's hand and walked with him.

"I got you," I whispered over to him. I wasn't sure why it just felt like the best thing for me to say to him as we left our home for safety.

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