Chapter 50

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"Oh my god they are going to kill each other and we're going to go to jail for child neglect and endangerment and I'm going to become some muscle heads bottom bitch and have to wash his underwear with my bare hands and eat vitaloaf," I said going through a scenario of what could be going on at home while we rode around in the car Marco had rented. He seemed as chill as ever looking at the road through his aviator shades.

"Honey can you do something for me," he asked me with a soft smile.

"What," I asked him.

"Shut the hell up and enjoy yourself, the kids will be alright. If something is wrong they have a gaggle of people who can help them who live less than fifteen minutes away. I love you but you worry too much, this is our honeymoon. We've been together for fifteen years and the hardest thing we've been through was a few petty arguments. I think we should celebrate, so what we're doing today is we are going to be recreating our first date. I'm going to drop you off at the hotel and you're going to take a nice long bath and relax, then you're going to put on something nice and you're going to enjoy your day. You worry about those boys so much, in three years they are going to be out in the world. If they don't know how to solve their own problems by now then we have failed as parents. You're going to have to cut the cord," He said placing his hand on my thigh.

"Did you just tell me to shut up," I asked him.

"Yup," he said popping the P at the end of the word.

"We're here," he said parking up to the front of the Hilton Resort and Spa.

"Remember when we were poor, not that we're rich. I mean we're comfortable now but remember when the boys got sick as toddlers and money were tight," I asked Marco.

"Yeah that wasn't fun, luckily we worked it out to get where we are now," Marco laughed as we got out the car while the valet pulled the car into the checking-in area. Marco grabbed my bags and we walked into the resort leaving his for later. I stood to the side while Marco got the keys to the room we hastily reserved. Marco walked over to me along with a bellhop who had my bags on a trolley.

"I'll be back in two hours to pick you up, remember what I said," he told me and left out handing me a key to the room. The bellhop showed me to my gorgeous room that was bright and airy and dropped my bags off receiving his tip before he left out. I immediately dug into my belongings and grabbed my bathroom stuff and walked in running a tub. I placed me Bluetooth speaker on the counter and turned it on allowing the neon colored strobe lights to dimly illuminate the area. I connected my phone to the device and wondered for a second how that all worked then returned my focus back to the music. I walked over to the tub and poured my soap into the rising waters and watched as the soap foamed up obscuring the bottom surface of the tub. I was distracted from my distraction by the sound of my phone ringing through the speaker. I cut the water off and walked over to my phone seeing that it was Ozias calling me. I smiled at my child calling my phone knowing that some children didn't even care to speak to their parents when they weren't around. I genuinely enjoyed being a parent even though the road to becoming one wasn't so fun. When they were finally born into the world watching the grow, although heartbreaking was still amazing to watch and be a part of. Watching them do the basic things like learn to walk and speak made me feel like I was flying but when they started to develop their own lives it took a while for me to not take it personally and project those feelings onto them. When they stopped wanting me to walk them inside of the school for the first time I had to run back to the car and cry. I picked up the phone and placed it to my ear.

"Hello," I said into the receiver of the phone.

"Hey Ma," he said. I could hear the commotion going on in the background and hopes they weren't fighting.

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