Chapter 25

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"Honey I'm leaving," Marco said kissing my cheek as he made his way out of the bedroom leaving me there in his apartment alone until he came back.  We hadn't slept without one another since I entered my second month of pregnancy. When we went to the latest appointment and heard our babies symphony of heartbeats I noticed that it had a real effect on Marco. He became even more fiercely protective of me and watched everything that was happening around me. That meant that he went to his shrink more often than I did. If I was out of his sight for more than a few minutes in public he'd look like he was on the verge of a meltdown. He also and liked to speak to the kids and convinced me to allow him to buy onesies for the babies that all had the Air Force insignia on it. He really enjoyed being in the military so I knew how serious he was about being a parent when he made the choice to leave. He rubbed the small little bump in my stomach whenever he could and since I was petite I started showing really early. Marco even enjoyed rubbing me down with coconut oil but I suspected it was because we ended up having sex most times.

I looked over at the clock since I was more than likely going to be up for a while. It was seven in the morning and I was already craving something fattening to eat. I got up and went into the restroom to use the facilities then washed my hands then moved onto my hygienic needs for the day. after a shower before checking I checked my sugar levels and took my pills before going into the bedroom and grabbing an oversized sweater and underwear to put on before heading into the kitchen. When I got in there I made myself a plate of eggs and bacon which I ate the moment it was done, bypassing the plate and going into the pan with a fork.

When I was finished eating I checked my messages on my phone and replied to the few that I had before I grabbed my laptop and logged onto my virtual school account. I had to turn the brightness on the computer down due to my newly developed light sensitivity and then proceeded to get started on my class work. I had an essay for English due that I had not started on. It was about a defining moment in my life which I had many of. The issue was how revealing  I wanted to be and I also didn't know what to choose from, some of them were pleasant like finding out I was going to be a parent while others were more focused on the darker areas of my life. I decided to focus on my mother's death since it was personal enough to not seem shallow or contrived but also not telling anyone my personal business. I started to type and seemed to not be able to stop my fingers from flying over the keyboard. When I finally took a moment from binge writing I noticed that it was already one in the afternoon so I got up and went for the very food I was craving which was green tea ice cream. It had become my favorite thing in the world in the past few weeks. Marco had bought me a quart of a brand that made it with coconut milk and some other stuff to make it diabetic friendly, it wasn't super flavorful but got the job done. After a few spoon fulls, I ordered a whole white pizza from a little pizzeria not too far from us through an app on my phone before I got back to work. Just as I was finishing a paragraph the doorbell rang and I walk to the door using the step stool to look into the peephole carved into the taupe fireproof door and saw a guy holding my pizza in his hands. I opened the door and handed him my card which he swiped and waited for the payment to be approved when it finally was he handed me my pizza. I grabbed the box from his hands and closed the door after telling him thank you. Walking the pizza to the counter I placed two slices on a plate then walked back to the couch to finish my paper while eating. By the time I was done editing and revising my work Marco was walking into the door and immediately walked over to me and smiled before kissing me on my cheek.

"Honey I'm home," he whispered in my ear and gave me another kiss. I smiled before quickly sending my essay in and shutting my laptop.

"How have all my boys been," he said with a smile. He was convinced we were having all boys and was preparing to have three athletes. My Daddy and brothers were all in agreement but I didn't care for I was sure that there was at least one little girl growing inside of me.

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