Chapter 4

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"Come on," Manny one of London's workers yelled at me aggressively from behind the door. He hated me more than anything or any other person in the world. He hated that London looked at me with lustful eyes and never at him the same way. When London wasn't around he treated me like a dog but when London was around he'd switch it up to pretend like he was my best friend. If only he knew how much I'd give for London to not look at me with those eyes and to never have him kiss my skin again.

I got up putting my bag over my shoulders and walked out of the room where he was standing. Manny had skin the color of coffee beans and he always wore a hat on his head. He looked down at me with disgust that I returned back to him tenfold. Jack came from the hallway and used his hands to tell us both to come on. Jack was the kindest to me as he seemed to be one of the few people that worked for London that didn't like to do what he was doing. Still, the white guy garnered no sympathy from me as a victim of various crimes. Him standing idly by was just the same as committing the acts himself as far as I was concerned. I didn't have the emotional storage to deal with feeling sorry for a person who could freely walk away from a situation.

They walked me out of the building to the garage and told me to get into the back of an Escalade. Both flanked me like I was some celebrity who needed bodyguards. I had trouble climbing up with the pain in my back but I managed to get inside all on my own. I knew if Manny would have 'helped me' I would have fallen on my ass. I buckled up while the two servants got in the car and adjusted their guns in order to be more comfortable.

"Where are we taking your punk bitch ass," Manny asked angrily while scratching his heavily tattooed arm.

"You better stop before London hears that you said something to him and he comes and beat your ass," Jack said turning around to look at me when he was done talking to Manny who flicked him off.

"Could we go to Marshalls please, They had these spring sweaters last time I want to see if they have any left," I said in a quiet voice not any different than any other time I would speak.

'I'm pretty sure the Amtrac isn't too far from that location.'

"Okay ma, as you wish," he said opening the garage and cutting the car on.

"As you wish, bitch ass," Manny said mockingly under his breath.

"Why do you always have to be so rude," Jack asked as we pulled out of the driveway. He cut the music up blasting a rap song I didn't know the words to and rapped along. He must have gotten some sort of pass because he was openly saying the word nigga. After all the books I've read about history I knew he should have gotten his ass beaten but I wasn't in control. They soon began arguing like children which I found to be annoying since it made it harder to focus on my plan. I had no idea how I was going to slip past them yet. They were always to go into a stall with me if I had to use the restroom and they would be looking at me at all times. I'd have to make a distraction.

'A fire'

'No you could harm someone if it gets out of control. I can't hurt people who haven't hurt me. Plus nigga you're not Bear Grylls, you don't know how to make a fire.'

'Bomb threat'

'In the movies and television, people always run during a bomb threat that would make a commotion.'

'People could get trampled, children could get hurt.'

'Fire alarm would be the happy medium. People leave in a panic but more out of annoyance if there isn't any smoke so it should be calm and orderly then I could run.'

I looked up to see Jack stealing a glance at me. I knew that he liked me in some sense but I wasn't interested in anyone who wasn't going to help me get free. In another life, if I would have grown up with my father and done really well in school, I wondered if I was still smart enough to make it to college. Maybe I would have gone to college in New York and somehow ended up meeting him then maybe we would have ended up together but not in the reality I was living in.

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