Chapter 49

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"We have to see what's going on don't we," Elm asked sounding muffled because his face was tucked into my chest. I could feel him breathing in and out on my bare skin. The small burst of warm wind causing my nipples to get hard and tickled a little. Everything about Elm still enticed me even after fifteen years of marriage the amount of love I felt for him had not dimmed it only seemed to grow bigger by the day. Even when we argued or were too tired to talk to one another just seeing him made my day brighter.

"Yeah, I guess we have to," I said equally as annoyed to be up on my late day. I heard the sounds of Maddox yelling and a door slamming and knew something serious was up. Mad as we called him was rarely truly angry with his brothers or anyone. He was the most outgoing, caring, and for the most part seemed to have good common sense. Calloway was the softest of the three, he could have his loud moments but all the shyness came out if he was asked to do simple interactions like go up to a counter at McDonald's and ask for extra sauce or something. He made up for the shyness by being the smartest of the bunch, I knew he would be some sort of scholar when he grew up. Ozias gave us the most problems out of all of his brothers. He loved to fight and could be dismissive of others feelings but if one could look past the things he did he was sweet and hardworking and just as intelligent as his brothers when he applied himself. I got up out of bed and picked up my shorts off the ground and slipped them on knowing whatever that went down would take a minute to sort out. I grabbed my phone and texted my boss telling him that I might be a little late which I knew would be fine since I had finished our latest project two weeks early and would really just be there filling out reports. The hallway was clear when I opened the door but seconds later I saw Calloway dash from his room that was the closest to ours and Ozias came out of his looking heated. I didn't even think as I moved and stepped between them while they put their hands up to fight.

"Just know that if either one of you guys swings on each other you're going to have to fight me," I said using my old "military" tone so that they knew I meant what I said. They both backed down allowing me to take in the situation.

"What's going on here and why is Beo crying in the guest room, also and most importantly why am I awake and hearing you boys argue before I even get a chance to brush my teeth," Elm asked walking out in a robe his hair disheveled.

"Why don't you ask them," Calloway said his voice laced with anger and started to walk away.

"I didn't say you could walk away," I said to him and he spun around to me.

"But," he started to say.

"But nothing stand where you are till everything is figured out," I said to him and he didn't argue. They were never really truly disrespectful to me and definitely not to Elm who they called variations of Mom I guess to somewhat fit in with their peers. Elm explained it with his psychobabble that flowed in one ear and out the other after that I heard he was fine with it.

"Beo get out here," I said aloud. Beo was basically my fourth son, his parents kicked him out once and he asked to stay the night and we allowed it and that bloomed into him staying with us for the majority of five years and even before then he was over often. His parents were stuck in their homophobia so deep that they refused to see the smart, funny, and truly kind child that they had created. He plodded out of the room looking disheveled in a crop top and shorts. I wished he would wear longer clothes the looks he would get from grown men really bothered me especially since I treated him the same as I treated Call.

"What's wrong," Elm asked putting his hand on the side of Beo's red-tinted face.

"I'm sorry I should go home," Beo said walking away. Elm grabbed his arm and pulled him back which was almost funny to see since Beo was the only person that he was physically strong enough to manhandle in the house.

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