Chapter 15

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Two months had passed since the "incident," and Elm was back on track. His condition was a little bit rocky for a while, his emotions would go up and down and he'd stop talking for days on end. He had to go to therapy twice a week which seemed to be helping. A more playful side had come out even though he was still bashful. There was a sense of self-confidence that was there that hadn't been in him when I first found him in that alley. My own personal therapy was going well too. I hadn't had any small episodes in over a month and my therapist advised me that it would be okay to take a pill as needed instead of every day which made me happy and I felt accomplished. 

I was sitting on Elm's bed helping him type up a paper on the Philippine-United States war and its importance for our countries relations. I was learning just as much as he was on the subject since I didn't even know the two countries had a war at any point in history. Elm was jumping on his bed while telling me what to write. I typed a lot faster than he did since I had access to a computer for a much longer time than he had. My fingers moved like swiftly over the keyboard pressing the keys necessary to get the words that I needed down.

"In conclusion, our countries have been able to bury the hatchet allowing us to work together to ensure both countries thrive in the modern world," he said jumping up and down. I finished typing and turned in his swivel chair and saw him happily bouncing on the mattress and his shirt riding up enough to see his belly button. He must either have shaved or not be a hairy person because his flat stomach was bare. He had his hair pulled back by a bandana and was wearing a pair of red sweatpants that hugged every curve of his body. I subconsciously bit my bottom lip and quickly released my lip from my teeth when I realized I was staring. 

"You hungry," I asked him which caught his attention.

"Well I'm not, not hungry, what are you ordering," he asked.

"Ordering? I'm not ordering I'm cooking," I said with a smile.

"You can't cook, you don't season your food and all you drink is smoothies and protein shakes," he said hopping off the bed with a thud.

"I can cook," I defended myself but earned a look from him that said the contrary.

"Fine then teach me how to make something," I said standing up. He grabbed my shirt more out of habit than need now and days and we walked into the kitchen where he taught me how to properly make a burger and made freshly squeezed lemonade. I was forced to realize that I really couldn't cook. He pulled out seasoning I didn't even know how to pronounce and added them to the ground beef. Since he did most of the cooking I did the cleaning and he went upstairs to take a bath. His dad had to work late tonight so it was just the two of us. I loved being at the Euthenia house because it was nice and homely, unlike my apartment. I finished loading the dishwasher and turned it on and left out of the kitchen cutting the lights off and checked to make sure the door was locked but not latched so John could get in when he came back from work. I walked upstairs and grabbed my toothbrush, washrag, and sleeping shorts and went to the powder room and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I had stubble growing that I would have to cut on Sunday to be within regulations. When I was done I pulled my clothes off and washed my undercarriage before putting on my shorts and gathering my things to leave. The house was cool so I shivered as my bare chest met the air. I walked up the stairs to Elm's room throwing my clothing in my bag and climbing into bed where Elm was waiting. He blushed while looking at my muscular chest that was the product of hours in the gym. I got behind him and turned my lower half to the side since my eleven inches was growing by the second just from being close to him.

"Goodnight," he said as I draped my arm over his lithe body. He always seemed a few degrees cooler than me.

"Goodnight," I said and started to play with his hair even after he fell to sleep. It was so soft and fluffy that it became a game to me. I tried my best to keep the sections sticking up all at the same time without falling.

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