54. Cold Encounters

Start from the beginning

"A little," I say after pausing to think. "I felt a little bit sick the day of, and I had a mild headache, but those symptoms are apparently linked to the medication."

"Yes, you're right. We'll take a urine sample just incase, and a cervix examination too, and the results should be with you by either tomorrow or Monday."

"When is your period due?"

I mentally calculate in my head when I had it last.

"I think it's due in a few days," I tell him.

"I recommend you begin taking it on the day you begin your menstrual cycle, and it will be effective immediately."

I take the other two tests and stuff the prescription into my bag, and head back to my car.

                                                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I enter the restaurant inoffensively late, and am approached by a friendly member of staff.

"Hi, are you looking to book a table?" she asks eagerly.

"Um, I'm just looking for a friend," I say, eyes scanning the room until I see Max raising his hand signaling where he is.

"Oh, there he is," I point, walking in his direction.

"Hi," I smile, sitting opposite to him, and ignoring the fact that he has stood up to greet me.

"Oh I see how it is," he smiles, rubbing his stubble, and sitting back down.

"Yeah, well you can't really blame me considering last time I saw you, you practically forced your tongue down my throat," I say rolling my eyes and picking up a menu.

He hisses, "Ouch – I probably deserved that though," he smirks.

"How's your twat of a boyfriend?" he asks casually. "Is he still worrying about his hair and planning the next ridiculous tattoo he's getting?"

"Don't be a dick," I say, screwing up my face in annoyance.

The attractive waitress comes by to take our order, openly and unabashedly flirting with Max who appears in his element by her blatant advances.

It suddenly dawns on me that I have Max here – he and Harry share an openly mutual dislike for one another, and considering Harry never discloses any information about it, I'll try my luck with Max.

Might as well...

"What's your issue with each other anyways?" I ask, taking a sip of water, eyeing him closely.

His eyes widen with interest, mouth slightly agape. "You mean to tell me he hasn't told you how we know each other?" he asks, leaning back in his chair in shock, and I shake my head, frustrated at his response.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" I ask, not really caring if my delivery comes off as annoyed.

"Ask him why we're on such great terms," he replies sarcastically.

"No, I'm asking you now, so stop being a pain in the arse and spit it out already," I say, balling my fists, exasperated.

"Fine," he says, taking a small sip from his latte, "I won't go into details, but let's just say Harry and I have similar taste in women, which has resulted in some hostility."

"So you basically fought over the same girl?" I state.

"Essentially," he says smoothly, shrugging.

"Who got the girl?" I ask, not sure why I feel the need to know.

"Well, neither of us did, considering neither of us are with the girl," he replies monotonously, as if the answer were obvious.

But it's not what I meant.

"Who is she?" I ask, my last question in mind.

"You wouldn't know her," he says, scratching the back of his head. "You shouldn't be asking me this. Go ask your boyfriend," he says rather resentfully.

So I don't know her? Well at least it's not Kendall I guess...

"Yeah, I think I might," I trail off, drumming my fingernails on the table, distracted in thought.

"I'm seeing someone," he almost spits out, as if holding it inside.

"You are?" I ask, feeling a heavy pang inside my stomach at the words.

"Yes, she's from Sydney, though I originally met her at Cannes International Film Festival."

"Oh lovely," I say rather robotically, in a voice I don't recognise. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Rebecca Windsor. She goes by Bec - absolutely detests being called Rebecca, so naturally it's all I call her," he smirks.

"Some things never change," I breathe, not all too sure what I mean by that.

"Can you please stop acting so cold with me?" he asks genuinely.

"I'm not acting like anything," I defend, crossing my arms.


"Yes you are, you're behaving like a child who isn't getting their way. You've been acting odd since you arrived"

"Well I don't exactly know how to act around you? Both times meeting you, you have been flirtatious with me. I don't know you as anything else, and I have a boyfriend. It wouldn't be right."

"Look – I said I was sorry about that incident. There's nothing more that I can do here Ava."

"I just don't think it's such a great idea in us being friends or hanging out anymore. Especially considering what happened."

"Then why did you see me today?" he asks, biting his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Well, if I'm being completely honest, Harry and I weren't exactly on good terms, and-"

"And you decided to use me to settle some score with him?" he finishes, cutting me off.

"I'm sorry, but you don't get to do that to me. You don't get to use me as part of your little game to make your boyfriend jealous over a petty argument, and then run back to him. Even you know that's not fair," he says, standing up and slamming money on the table, leaving me to think about my actions. I feel a sharp twinge inside as his words sink in and I feel horrible.

He's right...

Author's Note: Thank you all for voting/commenting. I read every single one and appreciate it all so much. Can't believe I'm on 338.9K views and I feel so close to my next goal of 500K! Your votes and comments have placed me #49 in fanfics which I'm ecstatic about! Thank you!

What did you think of the chapter? I would love to know your thoughts on Max - did I mention he's played by Alex Pettyfer ;) 

Also, a special mention to @Rebecca_w for her hilarious comments (#averge) and if you didn't realise, I'm casting her as Max's new lover! Speaking of casting, I officially changed the cast list that Harry Styles is played by Steve Carell from the great reaction on my last chapter. Obviously Harry is played by Harry, but I wanted to shake things up a bit :)

I am like begging you to vote. Please vote. I would love to get on the first page of the hot fanfic list. It's my dreeeeeam! My dream is literally in your hands. Love you all!

Also - Top Paddock is an amazing Melbourne restaurant and if you live here, please go. Google it now. Their blueberry and ricotta hotcakes is heaven on a plate.

Gemma xx


Twitter: WordsWithGem 
Snapchat: gemma.allan
Instagram: gemma.allan

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