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soos sorryy for the delay but real life has been soo hectic that I haven tbeen able to sit and upload.

I keep promising I will but I swear I am trying

love you people!!


I turned around and found myself under a warm soft body. A burst of happiness filled my heart as I realised I was under my wife. My ISOBELLA!. Sighing like a love sick fool I simply cuddled into her and slept again. Holding her in my arms felt so damn right, I understood how strong men felt when they fell in love, they felt stronger, happier, ready to face the world because they had their support, their love with them. I felt just the same. 

I kissed the top of her head and snuggled closer just as she mewled again. I so loved that sound. 

"Good morning my love." I whispered as I saw her slowly open her innocent sleepy eyes and look around. I was waiting for her to look at me and smile, to make love to me, to simply love me, just as I loved her, from the bottom of my heart.........



hmmmm yumm.. what a man, those amazing abs under my hand... yumm. His strong legs under mine.. wow! What a male speciemen. I love the scent of him.

Wow!! Iso I soo wish this was real. I mean, imagine waking upto such a candy.

I turn and stretch and wow! My lips touch the most amazing chest. It tastes yummyy. 

WHAT?? TOUCH, SMELL, TASTE!!!!!! This aint no freaking dream ISO!

I forcefully get Iso to open her eyes and LO BEHOLD!! we are in bed with the PRISKY ASS!!


I force ISo to jerk up and out of bed and DAMN!! Some one else is a little naked as well!! SHIT!!

Iso what in earth happened here? We slept with the enemy and literally so!

I drag the oggling Iso away from the equally leecherous Nick and into the en suite!

Locking the door I turn and face Iso in the huge mirror..

"Madam kindly explain your inexcusable behaviour. You sleep with the enemy and well you oogle at him. Not that he aint no hottie but he is still THE ENEMY! He must be taught a lesson Iso," I waggle my finger towards her.

All she does at times like this is look at me with those large brown eyes and my heart simply melts and I know, no matter what, I cannot be angry with her. Its totally okay if she wants to oogle at the ENEMY. I wont mind.

I drag her under the shower and wash her hair and pamper her mad. I cannot see her sad, it simply kills me inside. Then I drape her in lots of huge towels and quitely we walk into the walk in closet and I choose the softest, most comfortable dress for her, just the one she would like to simply lounge around in. A pink tee and tracks and not forgetting her favorite, pink lingeree.

The only thing I did for myself was to tie a messy bun and spray my favorite fruity perfume. Iso didn't mind those. Slowly, each of us in our own thoughts, we walked down for breakfast.

As we walk in, I notice everyone turn and stare at Iso. as if she is a fragile doll. Now this I hate! My Iso is NOT fragile! She has me to fight with her.

I give them each a steely stare and float towards an empty chair next to THE ENEMY! Just as I am about to sit, he stands up, just like a true gentle man, and well, I tried, I honestly tried to act like a lady, to let Iso be fine first, but I couldn't stop myself so, quitely, withoout anyone noticing, I throw a little something on his chair as discreetly as possible and sit down just like the elegant Iso would do. He smiles at me and sits as well and



I starred at her as she felt me, kissed my chest, rubbed my legs, I was so sure she would purr and say she loves me too. But typical of her, she simply turned the tables again. Instead of smiling at me, she opened her eyes, looked around and then at me with sparks flying across! I swear I thought the volcanoe was just about to erupt. And then! And then the Lady Venus jumped off the bed  and stood in front of me in full naked glory and I fell in love and lust all over again.

Well.. she ooggled at me for a while too before sprinting towards the en suite and not coming out for ages. I could hear her shouting and then suddenly cooing. I figured she needed her privacy, so I walked towards my walk in closet, pulled on some clothes and walked down.

I walked straight into Granny. One look at me and she understood everything. "Give her sometime to accept. Don't forget, two very different souls reside in one body. They must both accept everything simultaneously." She choked on her tears and I pulled her into a tight hug.

Surprissingly all my ain melted away. Is this how a grandmothers hug makes you feel?

We chatted a bit more about Iso's childhood, her mad cap take on things, we laughed as we walked hand in hand in the garden before I took her to the breakfast room. We walked in on Isa and Gary making moony eyes at each other and Miri pffting away at the sickeningly sweet exchange. Soon, a forloon looking Bells walked in and I stood up to greet her.


Big mistake! I shouldn't have trusted the sad innocent face!


short I know but what do you tyghink she did?

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