Oh Hell!

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Nick's POV:

I smiled as I watched her sway out of the room. God what a diva! And she doesn't even know it. She walked out and I silently followed her. Picking up her bag, she cast a look around the room. I quickly hid behind my cabin door, not wanting her to find a peeping tom. As she turned towards my cabin, I saw a weird expression cross her features. As if she were a child in a chocolate factory. I really felt her innocence and immaturity then.

Whoa, back up a minute, innocence and immaturity on miss Priss? What am I thinking, shaking my head, I continued to watch her circle the place, then smile one last time before she walked towards the elevator. I couldn't stop myself, and before I new it, I was standing behind her.

I heards her hum a sweet tune as she pressed the elevator button, moving closer, I breathed her citrussy scent. Somehow, even this scent did not match the image she had created, but in that instant, it suited her as if made exclusively just for her. I breathed out close to her ear and she stiffened.

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I slowly turned her, without wasting a second, I put a finger under her chin and forced her to look up, I then crashed my lips on her inviting plump ones. All this happened so fast that neither of us could actually react. Kissing her was amazing. Her taste, her smell, her touch were all like a fire in my blood, the more I kissed, the more I wanted.

Suddenly, I felt her stiffen again, she struggled and tried to pull out of my hug, pulling back I looked down at her. She stared at me with blazing eyes and slapped me hard across my face. Shocked, I stood there as she turned and walked into the elevator and out of the office.

Suddenly, I wanted her to stop. I dis not want her to leave like this. The doors of the elevator had closed by then, my only option were the stairs, I took them and literaly flew down. As I reached down, I spyed her back as she walked out of the building, running behind her I wondered if calling her out aloud was a good idea or no.

As she walked onto the streets, she hugged herself, her shoulders hunched, as if preventing herself from breaking. I felt like a heel. What had I done? God!

I followed her. Did not call out, simply walked behind her, keeping her in my sight.

Iso's POV:

I ran out of the building, tears burned my eyes as I walked home. Please Bell, hug me. Hold me together please. Those memories came rushing in, his kiss, his warmth, the feeling of being alive in a man's arms. I had burried them deep down, created a chilly demeanor to prevent myself from feeling again and the bastard tried to make me feel again.

What right did he have to kiss me? He wanted a secretary or mistress?

I hated myself at that point. I guess had it not been for the fiery Bell, I would have become his mistress too. Letting him take me right there and then. No I will not allow it. I will resign tomorrow itself.

I walked towards my home. It was a long walk, but there was no other way to reach home. I did not want to waste any precious money. Bell, always the optimist, agrees with me on this. I have to take care of my sister, her tutions and requirements, I also need money for my granny.

A wave of panic passes through me as I realise what resigning here would do to my budget. Sweaty palms and an increased heart rate do not even begin to describe how I feel.

"Calm down sweety," I hear Bell tell me. I hug myself in Bell's name.

Ya weird right, peopple would probably think I am some loony, talking to myself and all. But Bell is the way of keeping my twin's memory alive. She was a live wire. Exactly like Bell, had she had a chance to live.

My parents and Bell, Bella, my twin, had perished in a car wreak when we were 7 and Miri 2. Miri and I had stayed back with Gran as Bella had forced her way into my parents' car to go with them on an errand. They never came home.

Lossing a twin is like loosing a part of yourself. I could not and still cannot cope with it. From then on, I created Bell. My twin, only she is my alter ego, a part of me, she cannot ever ever leave me and go. Bell has through these years become my best friend. My strenght and fighter.

Things that I cannot do as Isobell, I can do as Bell, imagining how my sister Bella would have reacted. Now, I don't even have to think. Its a spontaneous reaction.

I smiled as I heard Bell whisper," Love you babe, I am herre for you. hugging you tight. Let's go home. We will worry about tomorrow when it comes."

A tear escaped my eye as I headed home.

Sorry, too sad I guess..

But I wanted to develop Bell and Iso... their different personalities

tell me what you think.. 

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