Bell Vs Bell!!

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Bell's POV:

Can you believe that chick!!! she actually calls me a nut? Ugh!

Bell thinks I should not call her Bell, it doesn't suit her personality. She says, it sounds like me, like an empty headed clanking thing. Can you possibliy believe that? I mean, okay, I am not a nerd, but babe, I am street smart and you need me every time you need to back up that chilly stare of yours with my razor sharp tongue. Oh well, what can I say, fine, I comply with your wishes your highness, I agree to call you Iso, yup, the brainy  half  of Iso-Bella.

But beware mam, if I loose it and address you as Bell, you better respond, got that?


I gotta go, save Iso from herself....

urgh what will she do without me?

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