Oh God! What did I get myself into?

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Roshane Perera to me

show details Sep 19 (2 days ago)


What did I get myself into? I have never seen a more "prissy miss" than this fatty. Well she’s not exactly fat; I just said that to annoy her, I know what a touchy topic a woman's weight is. But I honestly find her alluring and sexy. I like a woman with curves and she definitely has great ones.

Not only that, as per her CV, she has amazing brains to go as well. I have already witnessed the razor sharp tongue of hers. I just hope we both survive the next few months till Mrs. Orange comes back from her long leave. I agree she needs to be with her daughter who is pregnant and all, but her leaving even for these 12 months has turned everything into one big mess.

I waited for the prissy's arrival into my cabin, I loved irritating her. I don't know why. But her ice facade wants me to melt her, challenge her and win. I loved her problem solving capability, when she walked in hiding her shirt artfully behind her red scarf, she sure did increase my heart beat and I am damn sure, the heart beat of every living male here.

As the sex diva walked in, carrying my coffee and her pad, I knew I was going to take her soon, how soon, I don't know, but I will and enjoy the challenge of doing so too.

I smiled my wolfishly charming smile at her only to notice her expression turning icy-er. If that's a word, well, Nicky my boy, we will enjoy this challenge.


I walk in to see him giving Bell a devilish smile, careful cara, I caution her. This Wall here is full of his concrete ego babe, you might as well walk as if on landmines. Well, that thought puts a frown on my face as I place the coffee in front of the Jerk.

"Welcome Miss Isobella Grand, I trust Mrs Orange has explained everything to you?"  spoke the high and mighty Mr Emmerson, I nearly poked my tongue out at him, meano!  then luckily Bell hun reminded me that I need this stupid, blood-sucking job.

Mrs Orange told me all I needed to know, "Mr Emmerson, my darling boy is a workaholic!" she had said.Ugrh darlin boy, my foot! His work day comprises anything between 12 to 20 hours. Can you believe that? Can't he get a life? Or maybe a wife? She would keep him straight , I think nastily. I do not, I repeat DO NOT relish the idea of slogging my a$$ off for all these hours, come on, Bell has a life.

uh?? I guess he is saying something, might as well tune out and let poor Bell concentrate, CIAO.

" MS ISOBELLA GRAND! Where on earth are you?"

" Sorry sir" I answer sheepishly cursing Bell for distracting me. I better concentrate. 

"Well lady if your done tuning in and out of your own fantasy world, may we begin?" says The Wall again, I wonder though, if the We was a royal one? Or he was planning on giving me the donkey work already? His nick name by me reminds me of The Rock, though personally, I guess, I would prefer him, the original Rock I mean, dark skinned and completely chocolatty.. yummy.

Oh well, might as well work. We, as in, Mr Wall here and his company were planing on some hush hush merger, sorry hush hush so can't share the details with you Bell, although knowing you, you will try and seek it out of me, curious cat that you are. Anyways, its all legal work and then accounting and financing and then coordinating with everyone including the target company's board of directors. Sigh, so much work.

My first day here and I aready fell like throwing my stilletoes in. No ways Bell! Don't you harm my precious favorite silver stilletoes babe, or your walking home barefoot at 9 pm. I promise you that. Okay, I sigh and heed Ms Bell's advice as I continue working, we worked for hours till a lunch break, had some sandwichs called in from the canteen below and worked loads more still, and are still working.

I am tired as hell and ready to call it a day, but the wall, well Computer I guess, no even the computer would hang if it works so much,sigh, okay, my darlin boy, ( you know, not mine Bell, just repeating Mrs Orange's name for HIM,), works like a robot and he is under the illusion, that I am one too... Eeu, Bell has a life here, she needs to go out meanie. But I guess, I would simply crash when I reach home, speaking of sleep, a huge yawn escapes my mouth as Mr Emmerson's head snaps up and he looks at me shocked. I mean, come on, its just a yawn for God's sake, but nopes, he stares as if I committed a murder. Then stares some more before finally smiling like a crack pot, shakes his head at me and says," You work well Ms Isobella, but I guess you are tired. Let's call it a day, shall we? You can come in tomorrow at 8 am sharp. Cool?"

Bell nods like a cow before I snap up and shake her, Oh Lady, he wants you here at 8am not pm you know. Who will get up that early? Not me, that's for sure. Tonight is Allie's party babe, we need to be there.

Shut up Bell, I say, we need this job you know, the payments are due, suck it up and get up in the morning, for now just pray that my little sissy has made and left us some dinner. I get up and leave, picking my bag, I walk towards the elevator from my cabin.

Oh, did I mention my cabin? Sorry must have forgotten in all this important grumbling. The elevator on the top floor opens into a huge visitng area, not like the ones in the hospital duh! but real grand one. Its manned or can I say womanned by the receptionist. Hahaha. okay, seriously, it opens into a huge chamber that is my office, with a huge table on which sits prettily a beautiful laptop and loads of files in the racks behind. It is very very plush. It has 4 exists. One from where you enerted darling and one that opens from massive doors into Mr wall's cabin. One is my very own washroom with a dressing area and a closet and even a counch, to sleep in I guess, for when Mr workaholic will make me work 24/7. The one opposite this door is a very discreate little door that you wouldn't even notice. I mean come on Bell, I know your smart and all, but it is made to conceal. So, well, it conceals an office that has 3 of my assistants working for me. They have a seperate entry and exit and do not use this door. This door is specially for me to use, as and when I need. And to my dismay or joy, I am yet to figure out which, I needed it loads today.

Well, that's the general lay out of my office. Now to the colour, its gold and red velvet scheme with dark teak wood furnishing and yellow lighting that gives it a royal effect. Me thinks, it was last designed in the victorian era? Oh Well Bell how would you know? You weren't born then babe, lets go home. I pressed the elevator button when I felt hot air blow in my ear!

I turned around..............................

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