THE CONTRACT M???????????

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"What is this Contract M? Why have I never heard of it??" I growled at Gary. It looked old, worn out and freaking frail. Madam Priss was looking at it as if it was some bomb and it would blow off in her face. Well, I agree with her assesment, it had already blown off mine even though I did not even kow what it said.

Well people, Im Nick... Hello... Well, what I want to say here is that I agree with Priss you know, You all amazing people read, but we do not know whats going in your heads right? So how about simply leaving a comment or vote? Gives us some encouragement and happiness you know:)

Well anyways back to where I left off.... Oh freak, I'm still holding Gary against the wall and that to by his throat!

"NN---iicckk" Gary choked as I jolted out of my thoughts and released him. I pattede him on his back while Prissy ran to get him some water. Suddenly, she was all over him with concern, patting him on his back, helping him sit, giving him water. And even sending me icy glares. Wait a minute, that little traitor shifted camps to my lawyer?

I stared at them in amazement. They were in their own sweet world completly at ease with the other and very well ignoring me.

*cough* *cough* I tried to gain thier attention.  They jerked apart as if I had caught them red handed. Wide eyes were starring at me and I did not like thier looks. Those looks screamed that they did not like my interuption at all.

I certainly did not like that. I picked up the damn fragile folder and stormed inside my cabin. 

Bell's POV:

What the hell did just happen? Mr. Nick looked like he would kill me and all because of the damn contract. God knows what it says. But I ain't marrying that Ass. No sir, No ways. Imagine, for a itty bitty second only okay, imagine, IsoBell Nicholas Emmerson...

EEEuuu! no ways.Nopes No. Nada. La. 

IsoBell cannot be freaking grouped with NIck. Nopes. 

Disgusted with myself, for even thinking about it, I went about doing my work. Gary smiled at me and followed MIghty Ass into his cabin.

COme to think of it, he isn't all that bad. I mean Gary. He was tall, not as tall as NIck, but well, just a few inches short. He wasn't all that broad shouldered either. But he had that kind aura about him you know. Well, I know Iso, you wouldn't like him. He wasn't hot. But you could trust him. You know, live a happy content life as his wife.

uh? What am I thinking? I  think I have lost it. The contract M, whatever it was, was already messing up with my awesome brains. I got back to work, but somehow, the thought of marrying Gary kept on drilling my head. I don't know why. But thinking of him was comforting.

All this while, my dear Iso preferred silence to giving me advice, when, suddenly,

"Madam secretary, please come in and tell you assistants to block all calls. We have an emmergency here."

what do you think??

wat u say?

sorry damn short but 

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