That's Impossible Bells !!!

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Im soo sorry!! This is my first upload in almost 6 months! But I simply didn't know how to continue! I needed a prank and well I'm dedicating this chapter to my friends brother, he helped me out....

Its not long, but its important, you'll know why soon.... Please do let me know about the quality of my writing, I'm trying to improve and ensure that there are no typos or errors of any kind...

Love you people!!


Bells' POV:

"BELLS!!!" The ass yelled as he tried to pull his hand back! Hehe!! He was jumping, scratching his hand, yelling at me and well, what can I say, simply behaving like a full grown angry chimpanzee! OOOO I sooo loved him behave like himself.

All of us were laughing at him, Miri, the ass, well his so called best friend, Isa, all of us were having a blast. It was hilarious to say the least! Oh!

"BELLS! What have you done?" Granny yelled and all the fun and laughter simply vanished. I swear Iso is still so scared of Gran, umm, well so am I, if truth be told, but nope, I ain't gonna accept that. No sirree, I ain't.

"Get him a bowl to wash his hand and call the doctor" Gran yelled at the butler, well, the poor guy panicked and ran. I don't know what all the fuss was about, after all it was only some harmless itching powder that I used. I mean it's so damn simple, wear a transparent surgical glove, sprinkle the powder on it and shake the asses hand, voila! Fun!

"Look at his hands Bells!" Granny continued to yell, she was turning red, red with rage that is and I honestly felt bile rise up my throat, what if gran fell ill because of me? Oh God! I gulped and slowly turned to look at Nick..

"NICK!! Oh shit!" I removed my stupid gloves and ran to him, both his hands were scratched and steadily bleeding, he still couldn't stop scratching, his eyes showed he was in agony, pain was visible through the hard lines of his face and yet he kept mum.

Nick?" I whispered as I tried to take his hands into mine, but he backed off. "No" He whispered and when I looked into his eyes, damn Iso would kill me! He looked as if I had broken his trust, betrayed him! Shit! I'm so damn sorry Iso, I swear it was just a joke, I didn't want to hurt him. Honest..

The butler got him a bowl and granny pulled his hands apart and immersed them into the warm water. He sighed in relief but the water turned red and I felt sick! "Nick!" I whispered," I'm sorry!" I whispered, I was crying, Bells is mad, I know, but she ain't that bad that she hurt someone! I swear I never ever thought I would hurt him. I'm so sorry ISO.

I walked upto the butler as he entered the room and pulled the larger bowl from him and then turned to sit next to Nick. Gran was sitting on his right and Iso on his left, well we were, but she wasn't talking with me, I hurt her husband, her crush, I understand she had the right to be pissed at me, but it scared me when she did. I couldn't take Iso angry with me and this time I knew it was my fault.

I took Nick’s hands in mine and placed them in the larger bowl. “Please get me some antiseptic and call the Doctor Garry, tell him its an emergency.” I whispered as I took his left hand out and softly soothed his scratches. Luckily the bleeding wasn’t that bad on this hand but he had a deep gash on his ring finger. I slowly began pulling the ring out, trying to be careful so as not to hurt him but he pulled back, “ Please do not take my ring off.” He whispered. “Why?” Iso asked, I think she only mouthed the words, she was crying and she was too choked up to speak.” I will not remove my wedding ring cara, not now, not ever.” He replied looking steadily into our eyes.

I swear I tried, honestly tried not to, and I could say it was Iso, but I’ll be honest, I cried, how could I hurt him like this and for what! I felt like a jerk, a bitch and it is an awful feeling. I let the ring be and on an impulse I bent and kissed the back of his hand, one scratch and then another. “Bells” He groaned and pulled me onto his lap. “Love? Please don’t cry” He whispered as he put my head at the crook of his neck and cuddled me, “ I know your penchant for pranks my love. I’m sorry that I couldn’t play along this time.” He whispered and kissed the top of my head.

“Mam? The doctor has arrived.”  I think it was Gary, trying to impress You-Know-Who(ISA.. wink wink) or trying to be sarcastic with me, I didn’t care, I didn’t want to, only Nick was important at the moment, only his hands, his pain. The some cleared their throat and I looked up into kind blue eyes that were somehow filled with understanding. “May I look at your husband’s hands?” He asked softly and I got up nodding.

He sat on the chair I was sitting on before Nick pulled me onto his lap,and began examining the damage I had caused.” Hmm, quite a prank you played my lady, but luckily he hasn’t suffered any severe damage. Infact its nothing what a little love and care from a pretty wife won’t cure.” He winked at Nick and smirked at me and would you believe it! I actually blushed! Bells blushed! SMH what was this world coming to!

I felt myself turn pink, Iso on the other hand had simply melted into a puddle at her husband’s feet and I refuse to dignify her behaviour with any further comment. The dear old, well dear naughty doctor applied some salve on Nick’s hands and can you imagine this? He did it without once looking at the scratches. He was making gooey eyes at Gran and she was blushing like some Victorian maiden! It was soo sweet and mushy that I felt faint. Come on doc! Give me a break! You are an old man and you freaking wanna eye my pretty little granny! UGGG!

I think I heard Isa and Miri sigh in happiness and I knew I would puke on Nick if this non sense did not stop. ISO I yelled, where are you when I need you dear darling sister!! Ah well Iso ain’t gonna answer me right! I hurt her darlin hubby. I sighed and walked away, I don’t know why, but I did. I suddenly felt lonely, lost and well alone, without Iso I am nothing, never was and never would be.

Suddenly warm arms hugged me from, “Its okay to be mushy sometimes my darling Wife..’ My bear whispered. I choked and turned in his arms and hugged him tight. “ I promise Nicky, I’ll try to be a good wife..” I choked, trying to look as angelic as possible.

“Hahaha!! That is impossible Bells!!” He laughed as he pulled me closer.

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