OOPS!! I did it again

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Bell's POV:


He is Mr Emmerson! God what did I do? Shit Bell! Can't you keep your tongue in check? Why Bell, why do you always have to mess up because of your temper?

Chiding myself mentally, I slowly turned around to look at Mr Wall. Oops, I mean Mr. Emmerson. I gave him my best puppy dog face and tried to apologise but as soon as our eyes met, it died on my lips, my apology I mean. God he was smirking at me. Okay so he bested me here, if that's a word. No, okay Mr. Webster or Mr. Oxford, please add it.

Well anyway, his smirk was making me want to pull his brown tinnie meannie hair right out of his head.Urhg! Bell calm down already. Yups I talk to myself. But what can I do? Bell has such a temper, she needs someone to remind her to shut her mouth. Like now. I’m busy reminding myself to shut up as the ass walks past me.

He walks up to the sweet smiling lady, confers with her for a minute or so completely ignoring me as I stand just outside the lift and fume. He then turns around and says, “Well madam secretary, please have a talk with Mrs Orange and then get me a nice coffee. Some lady spoilt my morning cuppa. He smirks and winks at me before strolling inside into a huge massive cabin. It seemed as huge as his bloody ego, I fume.

I turn to smile at Mrs Orange, yum my favourite fruit, ok seriously concentrate Bell, please don't mess this up.

Mrs Orange smiles and says," Hello Miss Isabella, welcome. I’m Mr Emerson's secretary and I retire at the end of this week. I will be teaching you all the things that you need to know and if you have a problem after I leave, you can contact me any time. Mr Emmerson was wondering why you didn’t leave a photo of yourself with the application. Well girl, so was I. Anyways, he is most impressed with your qualifications and more so with your steely demeanour."

Looking at my confused expression, she gives me a motherly, nah, I think grandmotherly smile and continues," Yes he told me about your interesting meeting. He liked the fact that you did not bow down to him. He needs someone like that. Every one scampers to the poor boy. It’s so annoying sometimes." She sighs and I wonder, annoying to the poor boy?

Mr Emmerson is a poor boy? Pfft what do I care.

She explains my duties to me and let me tell you dear Bell, the list is long, I guess at least a mile or two. But, I need the cash and he needs a secretary. So, let’s buck up and work.

I took his coffee, just the way he likes it I am told, in a plastic glass, easy to carry, cold and strong something that comes straight out of the Starbucks special mix made just for him, and why do I care. Well, anyways, coffee in one hand and my notepad in another, I walk into the lion's den for my first official meeting with the hot and arrogant Mr Emmerson..

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