When life throws rocks.... N I make a bridge :p

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Hei.... This will be short..... And the next upload when you people vote for Bells.... Kool? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nick's pov

I cannot believe I said those words to her! As she assimilated each word, I saw pain flash through her eyes and then came anger but finally there was acceptance. Acceptance because she realized that she did not have the luxury of a choice.

I felt like a prick. She stared at me with pure hate as she said those words to me. Quietly then, with dignity befitting a queen, she glided out of my cabin with her head held high.

Bells' pov:

That ass hole! I can't believe he actually had the audacity to hurt you Iso! I mean had he asked You sweetly, I'm so damn sure you would have melted in a puddle at his feet. But no. All we are stuck with are asses. Asses who think they are freaking God's gift to women. Ugghhh I so hate him Iso.

I wish my Gary had said something though, sigh, why do these donkeys follow each other without using their minuscule brains?

Oh well, just our luck Iso baby, just our luck. granny's right you know, you must be careful for what you wish.. See your wish got us in this unholy mess. I mean Bells Nick Emmerson doesn't even sound nice. Oh dear and what bout Miri? You Iso darling are going to handle that crazy price of work and gran too got it? I ain't handling a nuke attack from them on me.. Uh uh no sir rah I ain't to blame for your dignified messes got it?

Im sitting on my plush revolving chair and playing free cell on my pc when that useless Gary saunters out lookingh ashamed and smug, I guess he is confused as to which face to put on, sigh, why do I care? The ass showed me his worth . He sits on my table. I mean jeez who does that? He I guess, sighing he begins, " miss Isobell, I'm sorry Nick did not behave well with you, I wish he had not threaten you....."

Blah blah blah he went on giving me the lawyer talk. Well, he tried, I simply tuned out. I mean Bells has way more important work to do than listen to his shit right? Like now, I'm so going to beat the crap out of this computer. I will win the free cell.

Cough cough, I looked up at the stupid interruption and saw junior mr ass trying to get my precious attention, Iso," he began, " we need to marry you both today and shift you into his house by tonight to prevent any mess tomorrow.

Now just wait a min, did he just call me Iso? Wow such familiarity ha? " we'll Mr. Gary, I no one calls me Iso but my family so I suggest you cut the crap mister. And I aint moving into his house without my little sister. So you better have that shit cleared with him. Also I want a good lawyer to handle this transaction and till such time this contract is drawn and checked, I ain't marrying no one. Clear?" I huffed while he starred at me with shock.

Uuuggghhh men!! Can't live with and freaking can't live without.

He nodded and then agreed. " the favour you asked for Isobell? What was that about?" he stammered. I mean seriously stammered! Am I going to eat him or what?

What do you think?....

At least 10 votes before update?..L????????.


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