... And we should start again....

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I sat in my office worried that she wouldn't turn up and guilty as hell because I know its my fault. I saw her house last night. I had been grand in it's time. Oppulent even, but now, it was in shambles. Huge mouldering piece of structure. 

But what really got to me was when I saw her little sister squel as she came running out to great Isobell. She might have been around 16 or so. But the love between them was apparent. Isobell perked up as soon as she saw her sister come out, gone was the defeated posture, the sad gait. Instead she replaced them with a confident, even bouncy gait. 

Their love was breath taking. I could feel its warmth on such a wintery night. They chirpped like little children, completely oblivious to the sad house. When they walked inside, I felt as if the house got a life, as if even if in shambles, it was well loved and cared for. Feeling like a stalker and a heel, I walked away to my sad lonely place. 

Sure I was rich, born with a golden spoon. But I lacked the love Isobell walked home to. I guess I would fight the world to have that.

For now though, I am awaiting madam's arrival.


Whaat does the prick think of himself. Hurting Iso like this. I wish I could dunk his head into the toilet. Sigh. I guess I can't. I must think of the darling toilets too right.

Well baby, we need the cash to pay the bills and the call from the centre isn't really helping matters. For granny I guess we will have to shove it up. 

Taking the ass' coffee and my note pad, I walk into his stupendous cabin to find him siting and staring at the grandfather clock at the corner. It was beautiful, not the corner duh, but the clock. It was a piece of art. Genuine heritage stuff. I gonged 8 just as I sat the coffee down and opened my pad. 

I loved that sound. It reminded me of far away times. TImes when we did not have to worry about the greens. Shaking my head, I look at him and Iso gives him her best chilly gaze and say, " Good morning sir, what's on the agenda for the day?"

Hehehe, the poor guy blached, I bet he wasn't expecting Iso's power. She could literaly freeze someone. Yah! 1 point to us. Take that you heel.

Composing hinself, he smiled and wished us, that is me you duh, "Good morning madam secretary."

We stared at each other for a long minute. It was a battle of wills you can say. I blinked away when his eyes started to boil my hormones. Smh. Chill Bell, he may be hot, but he is the boss babe.

" About yesterday sir, I hope you do not cross you're limits again. Else I will file harrasement charges against you. You got that?" I warned him. I guess, you can say, Iso did, in her chilly voice accompanied with an arctic gaze. She's the best at it I must say.

He nodded his head solmnly. Wait, did I just say solmnly? I mean I thought he would smirk and behave like himself, you know like the ass that he is. But he caught me off guard. Fine then mister. I don't care. But I will be keeping an eye out for your game.

We both looked away, thinking I guess and then I heard him clear his throat.

"So, madam secretary, shall we work?"


We did make a good team, if I may say so myself. I pat my back for working this hard. I mean the ass has no life of his own and he has steadly been destroying mine. I barely had time enough to spend with Miri and gran too was feeling my neglect. Oh hell! I cannot be at all places at once right?

I mean sure there is Iso and me, but we are one right, I cannot split us and divide ourselves and go do everything. Sigh.

We have been working together for 2 months today and he has been behaving like a gentleman. Seriously, I ain't  falling for him I swear but he has been all goody two shoes. I do drool over him when Iso is busy working though, don't want her to know, shush , its my little secret.

We have been working on some hush hush merger that willl make him huge. Not that he already isn't, but when work is your life, huge is all ya want right. 

Ah, there he is, lounging on the couch, sleeping rathwer than working while sending me away to work my Iso's little ass off. Well, what can I say, I know I know, I ain't that little, but its pretty I assure you, Iso thinks they are too big though, but for God's sake, I will not diet, I ain't wanting one like Pippa darling anyways. Happy with my own.

Well, anyways, back to the present, hmm.. so you are sleeping is it? Let's see if I can bell this cat.. Hhehehe.. "Bell" this cat.

If you get my drift..

I walk towards him and blow gently in his ear. He sighs and smiles in his sleep. Take that you devil, for making me work this hard...


I yell in his ear.....................

Short I know, but was it sweet?

please do lemme know?

Bell sends you loads of hugs for all your reads.. and comments and votes...

Iso thanks you too, albeit more sophisticatedly.

And we all wish you enjoy this oe too and comment and vote...


meet ya soon.... 

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