What does this mean?

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I stared at his face, at Nick's duh, mesmerised by the play of emotions on a very strong poker face. In all the time that I have worked for him, I have only  ever seen two emotions. Well... one was anger .. you remember Iso, the first time we met this ass? Ya.. Well, the other is a sexy smirk when lust fills his eyes.. Yups Iso, I know you know that look very well. After all.. You wait for it right? Naughty you darling.

Hmm.. Only two emotions ever, but otherwise, a straight poker face. Nothing, nada, nopes, never ever does anything show on his beautiful face. Oh wait a second sweety, back up a little, did I just say beautiful face or was that you stupid naughty mind Iso? Honestly, I think you are loosing your marbles. I know you were boring and serious, but I guess, I prefer you that way. You know, its way better than a lusting, drooling Iso right? 

Oh well, you are right though, even I am facsinated with his face at this moment. I have never seen so many emotions float across that face ever. Let's see. Anger, hmm.. I guess that was frustration, ah, and here comes confusion, he looks like a cute lost kid, all confused and stunned. Oh, I'm sure Iso, given a chance, you would want to kiss him now. But nopes. Not allowed. I'd rather kiss Gary.

I sneak a peek at my sweet Gary, he looks stressed and uncomfortable, worried even , I guess he knows what's going to happen. Oh, I so want to kiss those sweet lips of his ... hmmmm

"Shut the hell up Bells! How can you want to kiss him when I want to kiss Nick?" Says the now lusty Iso.

I mean come on Iso. Seriously. Why would some one want to kiss STD? Nick, well you know how he is. Besides, Gary seems to cute and trustworthy and well, likeable.

"Seriously Bells, have you lost your marbels too? How long have you known that Gary dude? For like an hour at most. You sound horny now. Not me Get it ?" Screams the Miss Prissy Iso.

Chill babe, fine, we won't kiss either. Let's just concentrate on the matter at hand. I am trying to make peace here babe.

Hmm... finally, I get back to the face again. He puts his father's letter down, folds his fingers together and stares at Garry. Poor Gary, Oh my baby, I wont want that horrid stare on you for long. ts like green laser beams directed towards your head while this Ass tries to read your brain, I'm so damn sure, that he burns a bit of it too. Now, I won't want that for my Gary right. Come to think of it, I won't want that for anyone, well, perhaqps for Miss Elisha Swan, oh you must remember her iso, that fake bitch, you know, the one who gracefully glides into your cabin, flooding it with expensive perfume. Ya, you remember her open, on display dresses, the same woman, who made you see red, when you found her draped over your Nicky baby?

Hahaha... yups, that's the one, won't you want him to burn her non existant brains up with that glare.

I guess I better save my poor Gary from this death stare.

"uuhuuhhu" I cough, trying to get these useless men, oops, I mean donkeys, oops, sorry guys, I know you work so hard, so won't insult you, hmm, yups, these monkeys, ya right, these two monkeys, to notice me.

They both turned suddenly, looking guilty. Well obviously guilty, see, in trying to prove who is more of a man, they forgot that this woman was here in this cabin. Typical useless male behaviour, I tell you. 

"So gentlemen," I began, " What is this problem we have here? Why do you look as if you both have seen a ghost?" Iso tookover, trying to be polite, breaking down my sarcasm for her poor bunny.

Wait! Bunny? Seriously Iso? Nick a bunny? I mean a martian suits him better. Even his competitors call him hawk, but no you call him a bunny? A rabbit? eeu darling, you seriously have lost it.

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