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Hiee!! Sorry for the delay.....

I had been trying to make this one funny....

but well I couldn't...

It had to be the way it is....

Hope you like it...

I promise though.... the next on would have you in peals of laughter....



Lemme know what you think

Nick's POV:

I stood there, at the threshold of my house, with my bride in my arms and felt, felt complete?

I really don't know, maybe, I felt happy, like now, I actually have a reason to come home? It felt so nice to have a family. She was in my arms, looking like she'll kill me in an instant and yet looking innocent and naive.

"Welcome home Mr Emmerson" She whispered in her sexy soft voice and I knew I was a goner!

How do women do that? Make strong mean men like us putty in their hands, even when we are angry with them? I shook my head and crossed the threshold and carried her straight into the patio. Here, we were going to have an informal lunch. It was a regular patio, lined with flower pots my nanny had lovingly placed. But today, it was oozing with flowers, flowing and over flowing everywhere.

My buttler and his wife, my nanny and now my housekeeper too, Mr and Mrs Blossom were present there with the Priest, my friend Garry, My gran, well, Iso's but now, she had ordered me to think of her as my own, and my new little sister, Miri.

Weird right, how the human brain wants more, how easily we hog up all the love, how easily our heart says you're mine. It took just a moment with Miri and Granny. Iso though, was  a different mattr. It was like meeting two different women, I didn't know which was which most of the time. 

We sat there, having lunch, laughing, joking, I had never enjoyed a meal like this in years, I had forgotten what it meant to be a part of the family. Every one was happy, comfortable, every one, except my brand new wife.

I starred at her from the corner of my eye and felt something heavy grip my heart. It was guilt perhaps or anger? I had forced her to marry me, forced, coerced and threatened and she knew this as well as I did that there would be no respite in sight for either of us, ever. Oddly, It didn't unsettle me but it messed her up.

She didn't smile, laugh of joke but starred straight ahead, holding herself aloof, apart from us and no one said a word to her, they let her be, only quitely apologised to me, saying, I should give her time to process her emotions.

She didn't look ice cool but rather fragile, in pain, like a strong puff of wind would blow her away.

I never knew a big girl could look this fragile. But she did. It made me feel like an ass. 

After a long funfilled after noon, every one kicked Iso and me out. For our honeymoon apparently. She looked like she'd kill me the instant we were alone yet, when Gran signalled her, she dutifully got up to get ready. Isa and Miri left to help her out of the gown. I left too, leaving Gary with Gran and wondering if it was a sensible thing to do.....

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