13.0) The Deceiver.

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"I just- I don't understand," you attempted to reason the situation while taking another spoonful of ice-cream, "why would she cheat?"

"She's too good for him, dude, and she obviously knows it," Charles added, sitting on the opposing couch.

"That's a dumb way of thinking about it- once a cheater, always a cheater," Wiley argued next to you, referencing to her earlier affair. His feet were up on the coffee table while you three waited for the commercials to pass. "She obviously just has a superiority complex."

"Actually no," Charles debated, "she's just looking for something better than him. He has many benefits with being with him short-term but if she can find something better, she should def go for it."

"I thought she was in love with him?" You whined, taking another bite.

"Love is gay and nonexistent; It's a ploy made by the government to scam us into getting legally wed," Charles sneezed loudly into his lap, "and the government sucks."

"Is he allowed to say that?" Wiley whispered to you. "I mean I know he is gay but isn't that a rude thing to say?" You shrugged.

"Gay isn't meant in the form of sexuality but is more widely used in society as talking about something dumb- it's slang." You looked over at Charles to see he was doing a weird thing with his hands- he moved them around a lot in the general shape of a circle and often touched his chest, especially when wiping his hands of his mucus on either his shirt or pants. Taking a mental note, you decided it'd be best not to ever mix your laundry in with his and to watch out for things he touches.

"Shh, it's back on," Wiley graciously took the excuse to stop talking to Charles. As the woman in the show started carrying out with her affair, it was evident of the guilt she bore for her 'boyfriend.' He, although unaware of the situation, proceeded to go to a bar and hook up with a brunette.

"This show sucks."

"You're not supposed to say 'sucks,'" Wiley corrected him.

"You suck too," Charles sneezed again, having to reach for a tissue to blow his nose. "That was a dumb plot twist."

"Are you sure you're not sick?" You asked glancing over out the window with thin blinds behind the couch. It was obviously dark outside with many clouds blocking the waning gibbous moon. Hardly any light could be seen being reflected off the moon, but every now and then there would be a a gap when the clouds moved and you could catch the slightest bits of the moon. Fall should be here soon.

"Yeah, I just sneeze a lot."

"Doesn't that mean you're sick?"

"No, it just means I have a crappy body."

"What do you even do for a living? How do you contribute to the payments at all?" Wiley interrogated him, leaving you to think about how little Wiley does to help.

"Was that the season finale?" What an enigma.

"Yeah," the ice-cream melted while you weren't looking, therefore you reached over and handed it to Charles, knowing he'd eat anything. Thinking he'd get up to get a different spoon, you were proven wrong when he used the same one you had. Slightly grossed out, you couldn't help but realize how all the little things Charles did added up to a lot of bad habits- such as putting his mouth on anything, especially the backs of pencils.

When you finally tuned back into the discussion, Wiley and Charles were arguing over what black holes really were. Wiley claimed it was only a space in which there was no oxygen but took it further to say humans could survive in them with a supply of air and a spaceship. Charles, on the other hand, grew immensely annoyed at how Wiley was presenting himself and explained how black holes are spaces that are invisible to the human eyes and was an area where the gravity is extremely strong and, therefore, if humans were to enter one then they'd immediately be compressed and die.

"You are such an idiot," Wiley huffed.

"Dude, fucking look it up," Charles laughed in irritation, greatly hoping your brother was only trying to mess with him. If Wiley had more thoughts like this one, then Charles would have to consider the possibility of limiting all interactions with him.

The pair only continued to bicker more; Normally under these circumstances, you'd ignore it and go to your room, however, the argument proceeded into harsh verbal insults as Charles was set on proving Wiley wrong despite the effort it took to get it through. Wiley, though, was set on being right as he knew that even if Charles was older and did have more knowledge over a lot more things than he did. You knew that you had to help one of them out.

13.A) Side with Wiley.

13.B) Side with Charles.

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