11.A) Rush.

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"So what? He's nice anyways, he'll probably understand." You thought about it for a moment, isn't it better to give him a good impression earlier on?

"Maybe but that's kind of mean," winking, you hurried out the door and to your car. As you started it up, you again noticed a tapping coming from the hood; The rain had stopped by now yet it was still two hours until sunset- so what could it be? Moisture from a tree maybe, the sun isn't very strong today. Talking with Wiley took longer than you expected so it put you back another few minutes, though you made it up by going slightly over the speed limit.

"Hey, hello- I'm so sorry that I'm 15 minutes late," you set yourself down in the seat across from Ruben. Immediately, you noticed two things 1) He already ordered his entree. 2) He had two draft beers to go with it.

"Your house is ten minutes from here, what took so long?" He asked, obviously trying not to sound annoyed but wanting to hint at that being late was not okay. At least his speech isn't slurred.

"I had a few things I had to take care of- I didn't want Wiley to starve," you tried laughing it off. This place isn't very packed, you thought while looking around the place as you've seemingly never had a reason to visit before, there must be a bar connected somewhere in here. Removing your focus on the search, you turned your focus to the menu and quickly looked over it to figure out what you wanted to eat. After deciding, Ruben waved down the waitress.

"They're ready to order- also, I need a glass of water and another drafted Guinness." She wrote your order down and shortly came back again with drinks.

"How long have you been here?" He quickly drank the last of his beer in his second glass before taking a sip of the water.

"25 minutes, I got here ten before six."

"Thank you for waiting for me," reaching out, you grabbed your soft drink and took a sip, "but you've already finished two beers?" Slowly, a small crack began to appear; A beer per thirteen minutes?

"It's nothing, I've ordered water too- I'm not a lightweight." The crack made an attempt to mend itself, though failing. His honey-colored eyes appeared evidently though there was an obvious, light smell flowing through with every word. "Look, I'm not a drunk if that's what you're getting at."

Looking out the large window pane to your left, you sighed; This wasn't something you expected from him- then again, your standards were exceedingly high and you just met him, maybe you just rushed into things? Infatuation isn't something I should bet an entire relationship on.., you thought. Maybe it'd be best to ask Hunter for advice.

Within a moment's notice, a burst of black across the road tore you from your thoughts, vanishing as soon as it appeared. Your mind quickly raced for a logical conclusion, hoping the obvious not to be the answer; A low-flying bird. A car off track. A student late for an exam.

"(Y/N)," Ruben started, "What are your thoughts on going to a sports bar with me Monday night? They'll be televising the American Major League Baseball."

"I don't know, man," pushing your thoughts to the side, you saw Ruben take a sip from his water, "I'm not into American sports."

"Yet you want to go to The States?"

"Well I mean, I used to play but I'm not really into it anymore- Plus, I don't live there yet." The waitress came back and delivered your entree; You hadn't realized just how hungry you were until you smelled the food placed in front of you. Quickly cutting into the burger, you lifted the piece and took a bite. It definitely wasn't as good as you thought it'd be.

"Don't be too eager," he smiled, "have you ever gone to a game before though? Just to watch?"

"Not a professional one-"

"Great, then meet me at 6:30 Monday." You took another bite out of your halved-burger, it was edible but not the best you've had. "They're going to be playing for the West Division."

"What teams?" Sighing, you knew you lost."

"Do you even know American teams?"

Continue? 13.0

Red As Wine (KageKao X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα