9.A) Flee.

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As you looked onward towards the man, you felt your pulse speed up. Moisture collected on your forehead, why is he doing this to me? "I-I need to go," you dangerously looked around before grabbing your stray items and bolting for the door.

"(Y-Y/N)- What-?" Hunter quickly got out his wallet to pay for the service, "Just wait a second!" Hurriedly rushing out of the store, you didn't care anymore- you didn't have time to care; He was probably already chasing after you- he could have plans to kidnap you, or worse.

"(Y/N), please- just wait-" Wiley called out after you, exiting the store with Hunter following closely behind. Without a second though, you unlocked your car and dashed in before starting it and pulling out of the lot. At this point, you couldn't care less about Wiley and Hunter- this was a time you felt you needed to be selfish, a time where fear overrode all other emotions. You drove and drove, passing light after light with the thought that Kagekao was tracking you- trailing you. There was no escaping him. There was no running. No happy ending. Maybe not even an ending at all.

You didn't care, you didn't have time to care; The sound of numerous car horns sounded all around you as you were driving far above the speed limit. Suddenly, you smelled ash and you were staring blankly at the trunk of a tree- you couldn't recalled what had happened within the past minute but you knew you had no mobilization of either of your legs and blood flowed down your left eye. Someone's screaming, you noted, knowing the only thing keep you from feeling pain was adrenaline.

Great, you got yourself into a car wreck. Start over?

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