Chapter 17 - Nobody Can Have You

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"Hold still or it will sting worse" you hold the cotton ball to the little girls knee blowing softly to relive the pain.

"But it huurts" she wines even more as you dab on the peroxide. Giving up you stick on the band-aid and tap her leg.

"Alright all done you happy" the child looks at her knee inspecting to see if the pain had really stopped that easily.

"......I guess....thanks Ms.Y/L/N"you smile as she climbs down from the nursing bed and returns to her class. If only you had been able to fix your baby girl like that. Your phone rings and you Pat your pockets trying to find it, finally you find it and hurriedly press the button.

" Hello ma'am I'm sorry to bother you but I have some papers here for you that you need to sign normally I would wait till you got home but they're very urgent.....its about safety regulations and stuff without it I would have to kick you out" you bite your lip checking your watch.

"Are you sure it has to be right now I get off work in a couple hours.." The landlord cuts you off.

"Get here now its urgent!" The phone clicks as he hangs up on you....why was he acting so weird. You Huff puffing out your cheeks just because he was angry didn't mean he could yell at you and who was he to stop you from working?! You pack up your stuff and clock out rushing before you miss the bus.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~15 mins later

"So the papers" you sit in front of your landlords desk. He clears his throat and loosens his tie as he sweats terribly his odor starting to stink up the room.

".....I'ts fine I don't need your signature....." You furrow your brow in confusion.

"But you said...."

"I know what I said and I was wrong apparently it wasn't that important you may leave now" you stand yo doing your best to control your anger. As you stomp to the elevator you let out your anger. You had left a whole days work in order to fill out these so called "important papers" and now you find out the papers aren't even necessary! Uuuugggghhh!!!! The doors open and you calm yourself down. At least you could relax for the rest of today. Once inside you drop all your things on the coffee table and change from your uniform into comfy grab your medicine that Jane had given you for your depression and down it chasing it with a cup of water. You sit on the couch and take a nap since the medicine mad e you drowsy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 mins later

You wake to the sound of your TV playing loudly. It was playing a game show and the contest and had gotten a question wrong hence the loud buzzing noise. You turn off the TV and look outside your window smiling at the falling snow. You put on some slippers and a sweater and make your way to the roof top. You lived on the roof so really it might as well have been your front yard but you didn't really know what to call it. You step out and hold out your fingers letting the snow melt from your body temperature. It was dark outside and the city lights illuminated the sparkling snow. You smile and walk closer to the edge to get a better view of the city. The skyline was gorgeous and you smile as you watch all of the tiny Cara zooming by.

"You always did like lights" you turn aaroundand see yoongi along with his lackeys.

"How did you get in here!?"

"Do you love me still" yoongi steps closer and you step back. You can see his hands waver.

"....I guess said we would always be there for eachother...."

"Leave now!"

"You said you loved me and that no matter what that no matter the outcome!"

"Yoongi stop your scaring me get out now!"

"That you would always be there for me!" Yoongi steps closer his eyes glistening from tears the snow making his hair sparkle.

"Did you ever care about me....I lost someone too you know...she was mine  too" you shuffle backwards finding it harder and harder to breath.

"Yoongi leave now please before e you do something you regret"  he purses his lips.

"You don't trust me.....there was a time when you would have let me lead you blindfolded...." You start crying your chest hurts from all the gasping.

"I tried to stop myself....I was here earlier waiting even had your landlord call you.....but I just couldn't do it...then I remembered the way you treated me and the hatred your felt for me and I thought....why do I even care?" You lick your lips and step closer your fingers trembling as you stroke yoongi's face he closes his eyes letting your warmth was over him.

".....I loved you yoongi.....I really did..." He holds your hands to his face tears streaming down.

"Then let's go we can go somewhere start over a place where no one knows us....we can be happy"

"But yoongi....I can't be happy with you" his face fills with rage and begins turning red.

"Why not! Do I scare you or something! Are you ashamed of me! Are you ashamed of the monster you created?!" He smiles but its not heart felt and you back away with nowhere else to go but the edge.

"No.....I'm not...."

"Then what is it!" Your feet his the edge and you'd stop taking a deep breathe the only way out alive would be to convince him you cared.

"....I'm scared of my feelings for you!....I'm scared you'll leave me so I decided to leave you sorry" you kiss his lips deeply and pull away slowly smiling.

"But I know now that you love me yoongi and you'll never let me go" you hug him closer and he pulls your arms away squishing your cheeks in his hands he smiles.

"You always did have a way with words...." He smiles at you holding your hands

"Too bad this time they won't be enough" he lets you go and softly pushes you but that's all it takes before you start tumbling down your fingers grasping for something hut only catching air. The world moves fast as you free fall and you cry as you hear the air rushing past your ears.

"YOONGI!!!!!!" But your voice is lost in the air and all that can be heard are peoples screams and cars beeping as they watch your body free fall through the air.

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