Chapter 4 - Everything is not ok

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Your legs are frozen..Yoongi slept with Miranda to take your job. You close the door quietly and cover your mouth tears spilling from your eyes dripping onto the floor you quite yourself so you won't make a sound. You ride the elevator a couple times trying to give time for Miranda to leave your office you don't want them knowing you saw anything as your rising up again Miranda is standing in the doorway you bow

"hello Miranda" Miranda straightens her skirt clearing her throat she nods her head and swiftly enters the elevator you step out and make your way to your office or rather Yoongi's you knock on the door

"come in" you slowly slide open the door and give a shy smile when you see Yoongi it hurts to see him in your chair..In your office you had worked so hard and yet that ment nothing. Yoongi gets up a smile on his face

"Noona! Your here how did your appointment go" you gulp

"it..was fine" your hand instinctively goes towards you stomach. Yoongi puts his hands in his pockets a grin on his face

" your not dying or anything right" you smile

"no..not yet anyway...just some stomach problems that's all" he nods poking out his lips.

"Good...I would have freaked out if I had heard you were sick" he smiles walking closer he hooks your chin in his hands. Your heart starts to pound..this..this never happened before why...why did you have these feelings? you purse your lips reminding yourself the terrible things he had done. He had taken your ideas and even slept with your boss in order to steal your job, he had lied to you just to keep a car he would soon grow tired of. This baby deserved more than Yoongi would never and could never know about this were on your own.

"don't touch me" pushing his hand away you move back

" since I'm your assistant now...what do you need" Yoongi walks towards the desk grabbing a stack of papers

"I need all this organized and handed out to the correct departments ASAP so we can get the designs started and set pieces ordered" you gulp the stack was huge and far from orderly papers were flying off in every direction. You nod and take hold of the stack your arms enveloping the papers you can hear the rustle of loose papers falling to the floor.

"So where am I supposed to be working?" You grunt from the weight of the papers

"On your new desk it should be here soon I asked for it to be put right outside my office" yoongi smiles his

"It'll be just like when we were kids and we played office...except this time I'm the boss" yoongi's smile seems to turn sinister and you know he's relishing in the fact that he's in charge of you now.

"Yeah...sure" you give a weak smile and using your foot open the door to the office. You let it slam behind you and once your outside you let the papers fall onto the desk. But you didnt calculate correctly and they slip fluttering to the floor slowly. You puff out your cheeks balling your fist you want to scream or cry but you stop yourself taking a deep breath.

"Yoongi...your going to regret pissing me off this time" you smile making a silent agreement to yourself. You were gonna get your job were gonna have this baby and you were gonna do it all with grace. While yoongi....he was gonna get what he finally deserved.

2 months later~~~~

"Do you wanna hear the heart beat?" You look at the doctor as you bite your lip.

"I'm not sure...will I like it?" The doctor giggles

"Well I would think so most of my patients say it's what made them first fall in love with their baby" you fiddle with the bottom of your shirt. Your stomach exposed to the cold air makes you shiver.

"Just for a little" you whisper the doctor smiles and turns up the volume. You gasp at the sound the babys heartbeat is strong and firm it seems to say I'm here and you better be ready. Tears slip from your eyes and its not long before your wracked with sobs....this it was your baby you were having a baby...someone you could care for and was a peice of you and yoongi.

"Here you go" the doctor hands you a tissue "I told you you were gonna like it" he smiles and hands you a paper.

"This.....its your sonogram" you wipe your tears smiling. Your baby...your precious baby. It was only a dot now but soon he'd be full grown kissing and hugging you.

You sit up pulling down your shirt

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You sit up pulling down your shirt. "Thank you" you smile and standing up make your way out of the office.

In the taxi you stroke the sonogram smiling at the picture in your hands. "I hope your as handsome as your dad"

Couple minutes later~~~~~

At the office you wander around making your way to the elevator you stare at the sonogram in your hands. As the elevator rises you Pat your stomach smiling. You hear the ding of the elevator signaling you've arrived at your floor and stepping off you take a seat at your desk. Your so interested in the picture you don't realize that someone is behind you.

"What's that?" You quickly turn around to see yoongi and your heart starts to beat out of your chest. You throw the picture into your desk

"Its nothing...what do you want" yoongi looks at you suspiciously but he shakes it off.

"Miranda...she wants you like right now" you rush off hoping that Miranda won't be too upset if your late. You make your way to her office and when you get to her door you take a deep breathe knocking slowly.

"Miranda you called for me" you hear stomping and you gulp know this cant be good. The doors suddenly slide open and miranda looks crazed. In all the time you've known Miranda she has always looked professional and seemed to have an answer for everything.

"What did you do!" Miranda grabs your shirt her eyes bloodshot and crazed.

"Miranda...calm down what are you..."

"The designs idiot where are they! What did you do with them?!" Your eyes widen and your lips tremble

"You have them.." You whisper but its too late Miranda starts shaking you.

"If I had them why would I be asking you! Find them now!"

Later that night~~~~

You sigh and flick off a banana Peel that was resting on your shoulder. You press the button on the elevator and slump against the walls as you ride up. Today was probably the worst day ever. Miranda had made you look all over the place for the designs until finally she remembered taking them with her to lunch. She had forced you to make your way to the restaurant bang on their doors and ask to look through their garbage. You had thought she was just messing with you but sure enough the papers although dirty were in the dumpster. You pull out your phone to call Miranda who was at home sleeping. The elevator dings and you step off.

"Miranda...yeah I found the papers...yeah I'm putting them on your desk now...OK" you hang up and trudge towards your desk lazily. Staring at the ground you make your way there but you stop when you see feet standing infron of you. Looking up you see its yoongi his face looks paler than usual and in one fist is a picture. Yoongi holds it up and you gasp shaking with fear.

"Are you pregnant?"

My Child's Father (SUGA X Reader Fan-fic) Where stories live. Discover now