Chapter 11 - No Excuses

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You wake up slowly yawing when your hand reaching to support your neck which your surprised is still intact after sleeping in that uncomfortable position. Your eyes slowly adjust to the new lighting and you smile to see Noona sitting up in the hospital bed. 

"Well look who decided to wake up" You move closer sitting on the edge of the bed, you rub her hand between your fingers smiling at how petite they are.

"....You scared me real bad you know but the doctor says your ok just too much stress, but you could have hurt the baby we got lucky this time....but be more careful next time" Noona stares into space making you give a light laugh she must be upset that your scolding her. 

"Look if you want I can ask dad to let me work from home? whatever you want me to do I can..I just dont want you to get hurt ok" You kiss her forehead holding her face in your hands. 

"Were you and Miranda engaged?" Her sudden question throws you off and you don't know what to say or do except sit there flabber gasted. 

".....Why me then....if you had Miranda then why be with it becuase of the baby if so you can go I don't need you I told you that" You smile softly holding her hand. 

"Whatever Miranda told you it's a lie she's just jealous..." She pulls away her hand maing you jump a little. 

"So you weren't gonna blackmail me?" You sit there quite too scared to answer her question. Noona nods her head blinking heavily to hold back her tears and let's out a big whoosh of air. 

"Wow...your never gonna change are you? You'll do whatever it takes to be on Daddy's good side  even use your own child?" You stare at her confused what had Miranda told her. 

"Wait slow down what are you talking about" you stand up balling your fist you were finally trying to fix things back and Miranda was ruining things. 

"I'm not stupid Yoongi did you think I wasn't gonna find out? Miranda told me what your gonna do....I should have known you wouldn't take being a father seriously" You clench your jaw. 

"Look I told you Miranda is a lier she's just mad I ruined her little business deal!" 

"Well she's been the only one telling me anything so far.....were you ever gonna tell me about the engagement..." You roll your eyes pulling on your hair. 

"Why is that important! I left her! that's all you need to know is I left her and for a reason because I love you! I wanna be with you not her" Noona shakes her biting her lip. 

"I don't believe you...." You hold in a scream and lean against the back of your chair. 

"How can I trust you Yoongi....everytime I do something happens and who's to say if I trust you, you won't do something to my child....It's not just about me Yoongi when you hurt me you hurt this child and I don't know If I'm willing to take that risk"I

"Don't you think I know that! When are you gonna learn to trust me"

"When you stop Lying!"

"Fine you want me to stop lying? Ok I will! I hate you your a fucking slut who can't keep her legs closed and that's why I'm in this mess! You wanna know why I'm with you and not Miranda! Because if dad ever finds out I had a child and didn't marry you I'd lose everything!" Your whole body is shaking with anger and immediatly after you say those words you wish you could take them back....if you could erase them. You didn't mean those words but it was too late Noona was furious tears streaming down her face. Noona's lip quivers and she whispers softly. 

"Get out..." You grab your jacket and storm out of the hospital scared this might be the last time you see Noona.

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