Chapter 9 - Waters Edge

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There are no words to explain the anger you feel right now....nothing could be said or done to make you feel any better about this moment. You sit by the waters edge your knees pulled into your chest as you watch the still waters reflect the clear moon's image as if it were a mirror. You remeber as a child your father would bring you to this pond his hand on your shoulder the other pointing at the water. "Do you see that girl in the water?" you giggled softly.

 "Of course I do Daddy it's me!" You father shook his head slightly. 

"Well yes she may look like you but she is so much more than you think....she has the power to be anything she wants to be, of course it will require some hard work and discipline but she has abilities that are just waiting to be used" bending down to your eye level he strokes your head smiling.

"You may not understand right now but eventually you will have to let her out...and when you do I know You'll make me proud" That was one of the few memories you had with you and your father together. It had ment so much to you that you had based your whole life off that lecture, you had worked as hard as you could to release that girl from her watery prison. But now it seemed that all of that work was ruined. You watch your tears drip into the pond creating dimples in the water. You had a one night stand with someone as childish as yoongi and now you were stuck with this baby...a baby that was going to cause you to loose everything you had worked for! And what's worse you had no one to talk to....friends or family were out of the question at this point. Your sobs start to grow stronger rocking your body

"I'm so sorry....I'm so sorry" You stroke your stomach. Your selfish desicion was ruining more than just one life. "Don't worry mommy can fix this...Mommy can make it all go away.You stand up whispering the words over and over. At first your feet splash through the water like a puddle but soon your knees arer'nt strong enough to break the waters edge and not long after that your chest hurts from holding your breath for so long. The burning in your throat grows stronger until finally your mouth burst open like a fish but instead of the breath of fresh air your lungs needed you inhale a mouthful of water. Your body begins to thrash around and suddenly this isn't as calm as you thought it would be. Something incases your body dragging you through the water but your too weak and limp to fight. Your body is thrown against the grass knocking out the water from your chest you roll over heaving until your throat feels raw. 

"You Idiot! What are you doing!" You try catching your breath but so far only coughs can be heard.

 "You could have died!" You smirk laying back on the grass

 "That was sorta the point" You look up at yoongi his clothes hanging from his body heavy from the water and this hair slowly dripping.

 "DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT WAS FUNNY BECAUSE IT WASN'T YOU DO REALIZE YOU JUST TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE" you continue laughing harder and harder and for some reason you just can't figure out why...your not sure if it's because yoongi's hair is sticking up in every direction or the pregnancy hormones but you just couldn't stop yourself from laughing. Yoongi plops down sitting across from you

 "Right but I'm supposed to be childish" you both lay on your backs staring up at the night sky the stars looking brighter than ever.

"I just wanted it all to go's hard realizing your all alone" 

"Who said your have me"

 "No I don't.....well I mean I didn't at the time not the way I needed anyway" You think Of Yoongi's anger as he blurted out your secret at the house.

"Why?" It get's quite and for a long time Yoongi doesn't answer your question.

" I could ask the same to you" You purse your lips

 "I hate you because your everything I always wanted to be" It burts out your mouth before you can stop it and you can feel yoongi staring at you but you refuse to take your eyes off those stars because if you do you'll turn chicken. 

"I guess that's why I kept the baby...not because I like you but because it was something different...for once I was coloring outside the lines" You gulp taking a deep breath Your eyes watering "You don't have to be apart of this babies life...I don't want anything if you want you can walk off and pretend I never existed. But as for me....I'm gonna live with my desicion" It's quite again and for a second you wonder if yoongi walked off without you realizing it. 

"What if I don't wanna forget" You smirk rolling over you punch his arm

 "Ow!" You laugh. Yoongi helps you get up and grabbing your stuff takes you back home. Yoongi helps take off all your wet clothes and puts you in clean pajamas. You both lay in bed his warm scent filling your nose.

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