Chapter 15 - Last Resort

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********* AUTHORS NOTE*******
So I'm sorry if your upset with me and the way this story is going and I understand cuz.....I don't even know wat Im doing right now I changed the whole ending I don't even know why but don't be too mad OK if you got any ideas for how to end this let me know in the comments cuz I need help

"Another grand and you got a deal" you roll your eyes stuffing the cash into the bastards hands. You were losing your nerve and wanted to get the deal over with before you chickened out.

" we have a deal" you look at the man in his doctors coat scrubs as he smiles at the huge was of cash in his hands.

"You bet....but remember if this goes wrong we label it as a natural death alright I'm risking a lot doing this" you roll your eyes.

"Yes I know you've made that very clear now come on we don't have much time" your men push a small ventilator but you stop them before they go though the doors. Leaning down you lean your head against the glass.

"Just this one last strong for daddy OK..." You stand up waving your hand commencing the surgery. You leave the lobby and step into the elevator making your way to the viewing room. The doctor had said you could watch from above through video screens. It was normally reserved for students but tonight it would be your panic room. If anything went wrong not only would you have to explain to Noona but also make a valid excuse to the cops. You thrust your hands into your pockets and allow your men to kick open the doors to the viewing room. You stand there frozen in amazement....

"You didn't think I was that stupid did you...hurry and sit the surgery is going to start" you gulp and slowly take a seat beside Noona holding her hand in yours.

"I did it for us...." You begin to say your not sorry for choosing this option but Noona stops you.

"I get it.....your tired of the sitting want to take have a yes or no were never one to stay still for long even as kids" she looks at you and for a second the old Noona is back. You can see strength in her eyes and the undying love she had for you and your daughter.

"Just promise me that no matter what we will always be there for eachother...divorce or not if one of us calls we will be there" you nod your head and Noona diverts her attention the surgery. You take a shakey breath and purse your lips praying to God everything would work as planned.

~~~~~~~~~~3 Hours Later

The surgery was taking longer than expected but you didn't care as long as everything went as planned. The lungs you had provided had yet to be rejected by the babies body and so far that was great news. Your eyes start to burn from being tired and you can't seem to think straight.

"Go to sleep...I'll watch over her I can't  go to sleep anyway" you look at Noona who's on the edge of her seat practically awaiting for the doctor to signal the end of surgery. You look at her admiringly....Noona had yet to be angry with you about the surgery she hadn't yelled or mentioned it at all....was it because she was hoping just as much as you were if not maybe more? This was her final hope her last chance to regain the daughter we always wanted if not at least a fraction.

"No its fine I'm OK...." Alarms begin to go off and Noona jumps up searching though the glass for the problem.

"What happened! What's going on!" You look down and can see the doctor turn pale his body visibly shaking. He turns around grabbing small cords sorta like a difibulator but for babies and continues to try and shock her heart back into action. Your hands turn clammy as you watch this man hold your child's life in his hands. After a couple minutes the doctor walks over to a speaker pressing a button.

"Time of death.....11:56"

"Aaaahhhh!!!!" You look over to see Noona fall to the ground. You walk over to her attempting to put your arms around her and comfort her but she looks at with pure hatred and you know you've lost her.

"I want your things gone by tomorrow" you purse your lips.

"I'm not leaving my wife....not like this" she wipes her tears and stands regaining her demeanor.

"Then I'll leave" you grab her arm trying to stop her but she looks at you and you can't bring yourself to keep her....did you even have the confidence to be with her anymore? She snaps her arm away from you and walks over to the elevator her heels clicking. The doors close and you loose it throwing chairs screaming and punching. You run your hands through your hair and walk to the elevator your men filling behind. You watch the doors close behind you and can't help but say if to no one but yourself.

"I'm sorry"

My Child's Father (SUGA X Reader Fan-fic) Where stories live. Discover now