Chapter 10 - Truthfully

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You streatch your arms and legs as you sit up in bed. Looking over you smile at Noona and her snores, annoying but soft and gentle you loved it nonetheless. As you check your phone for notifications you see a text from Miranda. 

Miranda: We need 2 talk

Miranda: Meet me at the office 

                                                                    Yoongi:Good I need 2 talk with u 2 

You purse your lips and looking down give Noona a kiss on her cheek. After getting dressed you leave Noona a letter on the nightstand saying you just left to grab a few things and you'll be right back, you grab your car keys and out the door you go. The whole way there your stomach is in knots making you feel quite queasy, but you push it aside taking a deep breath. It didn't matter what happened you were gonna explain to Miranda the plan was off...that you just couldn't do it anymore. You step out the car and off you go 


Waking up you stretch out your arms and legs bringing back the feeling into your body. You look over to see Yoongi gone but in his place is a small post it note. 

"Sorry I'm not here but I had some business to handle I'll be back soon with a surprise" You smile softly at the note and place it back in it's spot whispering to yourself. 

"Psshh idiot i'm not a little kid you don't need to leave me notes like i'm lost without you" you touch your cheeks and you can feel the warmth from you blushing so hard. Stepping into the bathroom you take a hot shower making sure to scrub extra hard to leave the scent of soap on your skin. getting out you lather yourself in lotion and perfume, after that you pull out your favorite maternity dress it was the only thing you had that was both fashionable and practical for pregnant women. You put on a soft makeup pallette and out the door you go, nothing was going to ruin today. 

You make your way to the bus stop but soon your back starts to hurt so you take a seat. The bus begins to pull up in the distance and immediately you jump, your back hasn't been feeling to well lately and you assume this must be your body's way of saying the baby is coming soon. You take a seat but the bus lurches forward to a stop. You look to see what all the commotion is and smile when you see a woman run onto the bus her hand grasping onto the tiny child right behind her heels. 

"Mommy wait I can't...." The little girl trips and falls scraping her knee. At first she's ok but when she notices the blood she let's out a blood curdling scream. You reach into your purse and pull out exactly what you needed. 

"Oh I thought you were a big girl I must have been mistaken" The little girl wipes her eyes sniffling. 

"I am so....Im a big girl my daddy said so!" You smile. 

"Oh that can't be true if you were a big girl you wouldn't be crying"She stands up wiping off her dress. 

"See told you! If I was a baby I would still be crying" You smile and hand her the treat from your purse. 

"I guess your right you are a big girl" The little girl smiles and taking her lolipop sits with her mother who mouths a slow "Thank you" You smile and look out the window. Once it's your stop you wave goodbye to the little girl and her mother and enter the building. No one can take thir eyes off your stomach and it was making you nervous but you kept your head high and walked through the hallway. Taking a deep breath you go to your small desk staring at all the mess on top thinking fondly back on the memories you had of yourself working late night shifts trying to gain Miranda's approval....and now you were gonna let that dream go. 

"Y/N I need that report on my desk pronto and don't make me wait" Miranda swiftly walks into her office but before she closes the doors she stops and takes a step back looking at you. 

"Y/N....Are.....are you pregnant"You stand there too scared to move. 

"Miranda If you have the time I wanted to talk about.." 

"So that's why he came by...pack your stuff and leave I never wanna see you again" Miranda throws open her doors and walks into her office, but your highly confused. Was she the business Yoongi had to take care of? you rush into Miranda's office. 

"Why did Yoongi need to speak with you?He told me he was busy why was he here with you instead" Miranda smiles. 

"He still hasn't told you yet" you furrow your brow. 

"Told me what?" Miranda laughs and getting up sits on the edge of her desk.

"I think you should ask him yourself"You roll your eyes. 

"Is this about you two sleeping together I know about that already" Miranda smiles even harder. 

"But did he tell you why?" You shake your head confused.

"Weren't you two secretly dating" Miranda laughs

"Oh it's much more complicated than that" she goes behind her desk and opens a drawer. Inside is a small box she throws it to you and you catch it. Tears spring from your eyes when you see what's inside. 

"We're engaged.....You see Yoongi was supposed to blackmail you with the stolen dress designs and end your little career gaining his fathers approval, as well as his share of the company. Together we wud be unstoppable we'd have made millions....but he gave it all up." Miranda purses her lips and sits behind her desk. You smile.

"Well none of that matters anymore....he stopped that plan because of me....he cares about me" you walk closer to Miranda.

"And that's more than can be said about you" you watch as Miranda let's out a hearty laugh something from deep inside. It scares you for a second you have never seen or heard her act like this.

"You still don't get it.....he doesn't care about you....that child inside of you is a gold mine a one way ticket to daddy's heart. He's just found another way to get what he wants. And once that babies born what do you think he's gonna need with you? But hey who am I right I could be wrong" Miranda opens her laptop and begins clicking away you have nothing left to say so you walk out grabbing your box and making your way home. Your chest feels tight and it starts to get harder to breathe. Your head gets dizzy and before you know it everything goes black....

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