Chapter 6 - Wishful thinking

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"Uuuuggghhh" you fall back in your chair ruffling your hair.

"When is she coming home?" You had been waiting for noona to come home all night and although you should have been used to it by now since you had been living with noona for 3 months now and she rarely was home on time it didn't stop you from worrying about her.

"Ahhh forget it I'm going to sleep" you make yout way to the couch annoyed and flop down. If noona didnt care enough to call then why should you care enough to stay up and wait for her. Closing your eyes you try forcing yourself to fall asleep but you can't stop yourself from thinking.

"Aaaahhhh!" You ruffle your hair and sit up irritated. Checking your watch you see that its past 10 o' clock! Why was this woman trying to give you a heart attack! She was out way past the time she should be, pregnant, and alone! You pick up your phone and as your about to call you hear the sound of the door. You jump off the couch and run to the door.

"What took you so long!" You smile excited at her arrival. Noona looks at you her tired eyes look as if they want nothing more than to close.

"Sorry Miranda made me stay late" she hands you her bags and slowly makes her way to the couch. She flops down grunting as she removes her girdle and lays her hands on her huge stomach. You purse your lips you hate that she hides her stomach from miranda in order to keep her job. But no matter what you or the doctor said she refused to take it off. You lay down her bags and make your way to the kitchen and make her a bowl of the gamjatang (pork bone soup)

 You lay down her bags and make your way to the kitchen and make her a bowl of the gamjatang (pork bone soup)

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that you had made earlier while waiting for her to get home. You bring it too her along with some side dishes and it makes you excited to see noonas face light up at the sight of food.

"Your doctor said you haven't been eating enough so I made you something" noonas face turns hard.

"I told you not to talk with him what were you doing with him anyway" you smile trying to shake her attention.

"Well I stopped by because I wanted to make sure everything was OK...its your fault you won't even let me in the office during your appointments!" You try not to show that it really bothers you that noona still didn't trust you enough with this important part of her life. You weren't sure why but you wanted her to see you as responsible or mature.

"Noona! I have something to show you!" You smile grabbing her hands as you remember her present. You stand behind her covering her eyes guiding her to the hallway. You stop at the door to your left. You whisper in her ear and you can feel her body tense up making you giggle.

"No peeking ok" You let go and wave your hand in her face making sure that she can't see anything. You slowly open the door and guide her inside.

"!" You turn on the lights reaveling your present. You had painted and decorated the babies room on her behalf.

My Child's Father (SUGA X Reader Fan-fic) Where stories live. Discover now