Chapter 14 - Taking Chances

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"Sir I'm sorry but this just isn't safe! If you don't want to do an assisted death that's fine but I can't allow you to take your daughter she isn't healthy enough even the slightest germs could kill her!" The doctor tries stopping your men from grabbing hospital equipment but they push past him.

"Look at my big girl...mommy's gonna take you home yes I am" You watch loveingly as Noona holds the baby swaddled in her arm. It was enough to make your heart were finally being a good were gonna make Noona happy too. You smile as Noona showers the baby with kisses.

"We'll be waiting in the car ok" Noona smiles at you and continues to cuddle to baby. walking past the doctor you stop and whisper in his ear.

"If you ever talk like that in front of my daughter again I will personally deliver your dead body to your front door and watch as your family cries in horror" You push past him yelling out orders on what needs to taken from out of the hospital.

your father had called you crazy saying you were over stepping your boundaries but who was he. He had no idea what it was like to be delivered you child's death sentence how difficult it was picking out a child casket without crying....How to tell the mother of your child she has to pick out invitations for her first borns funeral! Nobody understood and that was why you were doing what needed to be done.

"She won't take to my breast...." You look over at Noona in the car as she holds the baby. As she fixes the babies blanket you can tell she's angry from the look on her face. You put your hand on her's

"Don't worry lot's of mothers have that problem it doesn't mean anything....Your a great mother" You watch as her face softens and she leans her head on your shoulder.

"Thanks Yoongi..I don't know what I would do without you" The car pulls up to a large house and you can see the confusion on Noona's face.

"Our apartment wasn't big enough to hold all the hospital equipment...and besides both my girls deserve the world" You hold her closer to your body kissing her forehead. You purse your lips as you think about what you had to do to afford all this. Your father had disowned you after hearing about what you had done and that included your inheritance. But that didn't matter as Long as Noona was happy and the baby was healthy everything would be ok....Besides ins't this what it ment to be a parent making sacrifices even if it ment dropping any morals you had? You turn your attention to the baby as she begins to fuss.

"Aww sssshhh my poor little baby mommy's here" The baby quiets down and get out of the car helping Noona with the baby.

"Welcome home Mr. Min" A maid makes her way over to you and bows low. You nod and walk past her your hand on Noona's shoulder as you walk through the huge doors. The house though large is quite simple, which is exactly what you wanted since Noona didn't like overly extravagent things.

Not long after settling in the maids have set up the hospital equipment and you return the baby to her ventilating machine. You can see the anger in Noona's eyes you could understand where she was coming from...feeling so powerless that you couldn't even help your own child.

"Sleep well Hwan jung-ashi" You smile.

"That's a pretty name ...when did you think of that"

"The moment I held her in my arms"

"Hwan Jung Min...I like it"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 MONTHS LATER




"how is she doing?" You purse your lips as the doctor scribbles onto his clip board. Youu could barely breathe and the only reason you hadn't passed out was because Yoongi was holding onto you.

"Can I speak with you alone Mr. Min?" You tensed up you hated when doctors skipped over you and talked with Yoong as if you couldn't handle anythign as if you were stupid.

"Whatver you say to me you can say to my wife" You smile at the words wife. Yoongi had asked for your hand in marriage not to long ago and had a simple wedding. You didn't do anything extravagent because nobody would have shown up anyway. Nobody liked the idea that you had take your child from the hospital and apprently Yoongi's job was had never asked him what it was or how he afforded all this and you never would. To put it simply you didn't care he was doing what needed to done and it wasn't as if he was being selfish. He was doing this for you...and if it ment you had to stay and wave while atending the occasional function with his work buddies and clean blood from his suits occasionaly you would do just that. How could a wife be angry with her husband for taking care of his family?

"Well then let me be frank....your daughter is not getting any better in fact she's getting this point it's best if we.." You smile and kiss Yoongi's cheek.

"I'm sorry but I forgot I have a meeting with the other wives we need to discuss our book this week...maybe next time doctro goodbye" You walk out clenching your teeth. Who the fuck was this guy anyway hadn't Yoongi told him that assisted death was out of the questiona nd you both refused to do such as thing to your daughter?

You angrily chop carrots as you wait for Yoongi to walk that bastard out of the house. You can hear Yoongi exchanging words with the doctor, the door closing and his foosteps as he eneters the kitchen. You turn on the tea kettle without turning aorund and sotfly say.

"If I don't hear a news report about his sudden mysterious death by friday we're going to have a serious problem" The chair screeches as Yoongi pulls it out and takes a seat.

"He say's her stomach can't handle what we're giving her....She needs to go to a hospital soon" You slam the knife on the counter and lean forward.

"Or how about he do his job and tell you what we need to better care for her"

"She needs a hospital! We aren't equipped to handle to her delicate case" you turn around.

"No she needs her mother! what can a hospital giver her I can't!"

"Help! you can't do everything Noona at some point we have to give....we can't do what they can"you fall to the floor crying your arms enveloping your legs.

"What if they take us to court...they could say we are making her suffer...what if we lose her Yoongi I couldn't handle that kind of loss"

"well...he said there is another way....we could give her a surgery you know do a transplant....I could find the lungs if your up for it" You sniffle...

"what are the chance it could work?" Yoongi purses his lips whispering.

"less than 10%.." standing up you storm out of the kitchn

"Absolutely not!"

"It's still a chance that's better than nothing!" You turn around and look into Yoongi's eyes.

"I said no now drop it" Yoongi pushes past you and slams the front door. you purse your lips as you hear the tea kettle boiling.

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