A request

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They passed by a nearby convenient to get a first aid kit. According to Luka, Alois left the manor injured. After that Thompson made it to the hide out with an overall sense of surprise that he didn't get a speeding ticket on the way there.

"Did you even try calling him before you panicked " Ciel yelled behind Thompson.

"He left it and He wasn't in any of his usual spots so that's why I freaked" If Thompson didn't have the key, he would have kicked the door open. He bursted in to find his cousin sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, watching a movie on the TV set. A trail of dried blood from his nose and a split lip decorated the boy's pale complexion. Alois said nothing, raising the beer to his lips and only gave the gang a wave of his hand as acknowledgment.

"Jesus, Alois." Thompson breathed. And walked to the boy. Doll holding the first aid kit ran beside him.

"I'm sure it wasn't necessary for all of you to come" Alois said straightening himself up.

"Sebastian's rules it's either we all go out or we don't go out at all" Doll sat next to him and opened the kit and opened one of the wet wipes.

Finny and Snake roamed around, Finny picked up a few empty beer bottles "Alois, how many have you had?"

The boy held up the number four, whist sipping from his fifth bottle.

"I've seen him drink and six pack and a half on his own he's fine" Thompson waved him off.

Ciel sat on the arm of the couch closest to Alois who had his face held by Doll while she wiped the blood off. The blonde squirmed when the wipe passed the open wound "hold still" Doll held his chin in place.

"It hurts!" Alois whined.

"Then don't go picking fights with Claude, you fucking idiot" Thompson retrieved a bottled water from the mini fridge. Alois rolled his eyes and handed Ciel the beer bottle to take the water.

Ciel took the beer and looked at it, then looked at Doll and Thompson who seemed to be occupied with Alois, then looked at the bottle again and then raised it to his lips for a sip. Only to have the bottle ripped out of his hands by Snake. The sudden jerk causing him to choke on the drink making Alois burst into a fit of  laughter.

" you've never drank, Robin?" Thompson asked and the boy shook his head.

"I'd rather not have my little brother start drinking at thirteen, Tommy" Finny said, leaning over the couch.

"Protecting his innocence? Fair enough." He nodded then turned his attention back to Alois "What did you fight about this time?"

"Same shit"

Thompson groaned "he's not gonna change his mind!"

"Like I fucking care I'll fight him on it every day of my goddamn life if I have to!"

Thompson shook his head, knowing full well that he wasn't going to get through Alois ' stubborn head.

"I don't think it's any of our business to ask." Finny said.

"It's fine nothing to worry about." Thompson replied.

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