An unexpected development.

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Even though he had given his entire household a scare, Ciel still had to go to school the next morning. It was scary to know is asthma returned, but his aunt made sure to get him an inhaler (s) for him. He tried to fake an attack a couple of times to get out of going to school but Sebastian threw an inhaler at him and then said "let's go"

For the next week or so Ciel was getting comments for some of his classmates asking him if he's okay or if he's dying. In all honesty that was embarrassing. Red faced Ciel grumbled "I'm fine" when ever someone asked anything.

As of now,During his free period, Ciel did as he always did, he walked around the school trying to find a quite place to read a book. He sighed, walking past the science class rooms for a moment he looked to the side and saw something that intrigued him.

In an empty classroom stood James, or Alois as Lizzy called him, with another kid Ciel didn't recognize. They exchanged some papers around before the unknown kid gave Alois a large sum of cash. Ciel smirked to himself. Not that he was planning on black mailing his nemeses, but he'll admit that having something over Alois pleased him. Ciel moved to the side of the door way waiting for Alois to be alone. When his companion left he entered the room.

Alois had his back to the door and didn't notice Ciel enter, he was to busy counting the money he just got. "ELLO" Ciel yelled,making Alois jump and drop his stack of cash. The sapphire owl was quick to pick up the money and with a smug face started fanning himself with the cash in front of the blonde.

"Give that back, Ciel" Alois growled.

"I'm sorry, James, you can't call me that yet we're not friends"

"Ciel! Robin I don't care just give it back" he reached forward but Ciel stepped back keeping the money out of his reach.

"I wonder what this is about. It's an awful lot of money. Drugs?" Ciel faked a gasped "are selling drugs? On school grounds?"

"It's not drugs you idiot now give it back"

Ciel responded with a chuckle and began counting the money in his hands fifty, seventy, one hundred, he was right it was a lot of money. He was half way through the stack when he felt the paper of one of the bills and his smile disappeared, now curious "interesting" he muttered.

Even Alois noticed his change in demeanor "what?"

" give me a second" He separated the bill and put it on a nearby desk and then went on counting what was rest on the cash, he stopped and felt the paper of two more hundred dollar bills and separated them. Then he gave the stack to Alois. The blond raised an eye brow, confused as to why Ciel was suddenly so serious.

Ciel took a hold of the three separated bills and felt the paper, dragging his thumb against the surface. He chewed his bottom lip "Where did you get this?" he asked.

"They're bets. These are my winnings" Alois answered. "Why?"

"Because these three" Ciel held the bills up "are fake. You've been ripped off two hundred and fifty bucks"

"What?!" How do you know?" Alois took the bills and looked at them then at his stack. Then back at Ciel "are you lying to me?"

"You know who I am I've been rich all my life You think I don't know this stuff. Look feel the paper!" Ciel took back one of the fakes and then to out his wallet to take out a real dollar. "See feel here along the bottom of the bill, scratch it with your nail. if it's rough its real, if it's not it's fake"

Alois did the test and realized the the two were ,in fact, different "crap..." he was dumbfounded to say the least and pissed.

"Every dollar weighs exactly a gram if it's less then it's not real" Ciel said walking to the back out the class room to get a scale. The perks of being in a science room. The boy set it on of the desks and Alois put the supposed fake on the balance. The boys hunched over the scale and watched the numbers change until they stopped '0.789'

 The Family (Modern Kuroshitsuji fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant