First day

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They all passed, they all entered they all got assigned their classes and got sorted into their houses

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They all passed, they all entered they all got assigned their classes and got sorted into their houses. More importantly, they were back that their actual house. Now they all awaited the first day.

The day came. Weston college was starting its new school year and Doll Taylor was about ready to jump out of her window when Sebastian came in to wake her up. He yanked her blanket off her and shook her a bit, chucking at her discontent. Later dared to use his sickeningly sweet, angelic facade of a voice to wake up Sieglinde. Doll glared at him " you two-faced bastard"

He laughed "hurry up and get ready, breakfast is in the kitchen" then he walked out the door. And so, Doll forced herself out bed and put on her uniform. Her nose scrunched up in disgust. The idea of going to school and waking up early wasn't what put her off. It was the uniform she dreaded. Her uniform: A white dress shirt,a green tie and black blazer and since she was a girl...a skirt. A damn skirt. How she hated wearing such things. It was too girly for her tastes. She wished that they would let her wear pants like her brothers, but no, the rules stated that girls have to wear the skirt.

Her blazer was decorated with the Green house emblem, the Green Lion.Those whose strong suit is athleticism got put in the green house. Finny was placed in the same house as well. Ciel and was sorted in academic blue house of sapphire owl and snake in the artistic violet house, violet wolf. Sieglinde didn't have a "house" yet since she was in kindergarden learning the basics and not much else.

With a exasperated huff she turned away from the mirror and went to Sieglinde. Doll pulled her by the legs until she was sitting at the foot of her bed. The child giggled at the feeling of getting dragged. Doll dressed her and picked her up to sit her on her wheelchair.

They went out and joined the rest of the boys in the dining room. Ciel was irritably glaring at the ball of energy that was Finny. The blond had been looking forward to today since he passed the entrance exam. And now was jumping around the kitchen. Snake was quiet as always. Ciel was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. He dropped his head on the table "I'm actually going to commit suicide if I have to wake up like this every damn day" he murmured.

"Same here" doll agreed.

"If you're going to kill yourselves please do it outside" Sebastian entered carrying plates of waffles for the girls. "It's just school it's not going to hurt you"

"No but sleep deprivation might" Ciel said taking a bite from his breakfast.

"Then you best fall asleep early and stop watching high school musical so late at night"

"I wasn't watchin-" Ciel stopped only to look down to hide his blush, Making His siblings giggled and carried on with breakfast.

Sebastian dropped them up at school and the kids stood and stared of the massive gothic style chapel, of course it wasn't a chapel it was the main building where all the offices were, but it was still jaw dropping to look at. It still hadn't sunk in that they made it into the school or if was even real life "it's a real hogwarts alright" Doll said. The others nodded in agreement.

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